Something new

Writings From The Unknown13

words repeat

it all sounds the same

its the same old same old

but the inspiration never fades

an open door, untouched

new risks,

and new adventures

images that have been unseen,

and sights that are unrealistic

secrets untold,

and lies unfold

all of my writings are just like a big story

same old theme,

same old connections,

and its the unknown writers that always have something new to share

  • Author: Writings From The Unknown13 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: June 1st, 2017 08:53
  • Comment from author about the poem: some poets are outgoing, proud to speak there words...but what about the quiet and less spoken people? you wouldnt even know they were poets... everyone has a story...but its the unknown and unspoken poets that surprise you with there stories
  • Category: Surrealist
  • Views: 57
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  • Confused kid

    When we write, we share a piece of us. A piece that has a its own mind, and the more we write we slow cement that mind into a pattern but when we read new works. Its like they update that mind into new possibilities, really lovely poem

  • Goldfinch60

    Each of us is an unknown writer as do we really know how a piece is going to end once we start writing it. Good write.

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