Young Love....


        Young love....


Daisy chains down lovers lane
When life was oh so new
Beauty all around i felt when holding hands with you
Every smell and every spell
You wove when we were young
Time stood still sat on our hill
On Your every word I hung

  • Author: P.H.Rose (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: June 1st, 2017 16:51
  • Comment from author about the poem: it was a long time ago But being young and In love was beautiful I can still remember My first love..
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 33
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  • swingline

    The heart has reasons that reason knows nothing of . Blase Pascal 1670

    • P.H.Rose

      Thank you swingline

    • Confused kid

      Youth and love, that's happiness at its peak

      • P.H.Rose

        Absolutely spot
        Thank you

      • Augustus

        Our young bodies were so alive and responsive. Gettin to know one another. You capture it well

        • P.H.Rose

          Thank you Augustus

        • Michael Edwards

          This peels away the years - lovely write PH.

          • P.H.Rose

            Thank you for that
            Wonderful comment

          • Goldfinch60

            Very good write, that first love is always special, so innocent.

            • P.H.Rose

              Thank you GF60
              I just wanted to
              Capture the smell
              And feel of youth
              And love and not
              Explain it

            • orchidee

              A fine write P. Not TOO old there?!

              • P.H.Rose

                Ha ha.. thank you

              • ShannonXx

                Really enjoyed this

                • P.H.Rose

                  Thank you Shannon
                  You keep up the
                  Good work with
                  Your poetry....
                  Try doing one really
                  Left field... about anything
                  You see..

                  • ShannonXx

                    Thank you and yes I will have to try that

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