Fits tune: St Stephen
(One tune to 'In Christ there is no east or west')
We thank you Lord for fellowship
Shown, shared in deed and lip
Help us to love, not take granted
Folk you to us have led
Your love to all, salvation free
This their greatest need be
Whether young, old, whate'er class, creed
Good Shepherd, you them feed
Protect us, keep from harm, from ill
Guide us in your right will
Strengthen each one, their needs daily
Do meet, tend to them, see
Times spent with friends and family
Grant they purposeful be
And that we share
With them Christ true
Draw them nearer to you
And if friendships they be short, long
May they be as a song
Melody sweet, loved ones commend
To you, them blessings send
Bring to salvation whole each one
Redemption work is done
By you, Lord Christ, the Father's Son
You welcome all, bar none
orchidee (
- Published: June 11th, 2017 10:56
- Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in 86 86 metre.(Common Metre = CM). Thinking about friendships. This could also be for St Barnabas Day (11th June). He could be called 'an apostle of friendship', and it's written that he was 'a good man'. Do we all know 'good' people? I'm sure we all know at least some one. The original hymn was my Primary School 'School Hymn' with a fine Christian Headmaster. So about 5 million years ago then?! heehee.
- Category: Spiritual
- Views: 96
- Users favorite of this poem: GeraldineTaylor, alisha
The church in the clip is St Martins-in-the-Fields, Trafalgar Square, London. The Vicar (appears at the last verse) is now the current Bishop of Salisbury. Am I hob-nobbing with CofE Bishops now?!
There are some great messages in here. I appreciate the effort that goes into your work.
Thanks A.
One thing I takeheed of in your devotionals is how good God is to his flocks . He spares nothing nor holds back anything . This to me is simply amazing as to why God so loves this world of heathens that he would sacrifice his son for us after a lifetime of being a servant to the same .
I so agree. Who am I, Lord...if most could take full hold of that grace then we maybe could all keep our eyes on the cure and not the curse.
Love, redemption, friendships, thankfulness gratitude- your poem includes all the right words for us to contemplate and give glory to our God!
Wonderful. I enjoy your work.
Thanks all. You shaking that stick DS/KS?! lol.
He certainly does welcome all. Well said Orchi.
Thanks G/F. But to throw a spanner in the works: HE welcomes all, but do all of US welcome all? In a couple of places I've known, it's like an atmosphere of: 'Come in, sit down, shut up!' Or; 'What you doing in my pew/seat'? Though of course it remains 'nice' and no one kicks us out of a pew. Some dirty looks though! ooh.
If so - will they stop lying, by having a huge banner outside saying 'All Welcome'?! doh.
Am I hob-nobbing with Bishops now, Goldie?! heehee. I could be hob-nobbing with the PM and her husband. A paper showed a fairly-local church to me, that they attend! Now, your politician 'joke'....lips moving, etc!
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