

Broken windows
Shattered sunlight
long lost dreams&fallen walls
Failed ambitions
Dropped like plaster
Ghosts of children
Haunt the halls

20th June 2017


  • Author: Garry (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: June 24th, 2017 02:31
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 35
  • Users favorite of this poem: Michael Edwards
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  • Frank Prem

    Nice Garry. This little piece works quite well IMO.

    • Garry

      Cheers. & short as always.

    • Michael Edwards

      I read the first line and immediately Nina Simone singing 'I think its goin' to rain today' came to mind. this is a super haunting piece - going into my favourites

      • Garry

        Thank you. I got inspiration from the thene song of "Broken". Which i think is by Rabdy Newman,

        • Michael Edwards

          Yes - the same song: Broken Windows etc by Nina Simone which I think is by far the best version although many have sung it. Listened to it yesterday on YouTube

          • Garry

            Yes she sings the "broken" theme tune too. Excellent

            • Garry

              Yes she sings the "broken" theme tune too. Excellent

            • Louis Gibbs

              Your few well chosen words speak volumes ... paint a nostalgic picture. I like this type of poem, well done, Garry!

            • Goldfinch60

              Good write, it says so much in so few words.

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