Fits tune: Serenity
('Immortal love, for ever full')
1. Come fill me, my heart open be
My mind your truths to see
Needing your Spirit here daily
Continually to filled be
2. So progressing, perfection's way
Until eternal day
Changed to the image of your Son
The true, the holy one
3. Lord, motivate, inspire me, guide
That I not selfish hide
Desires of pride, greed, sinfulness
But come to me and bless
4. To grow in love, your love to know
You have revealed, did show
It here on earth, in word and deed
And still you meet our need
5. Through sun and rain, through joy and pain
We learn of you again
Grant us grace e'er to follow you
We your creations new
6. If things thus hard or easy be
help us your hand to see
Each step to take, to trust you more
'Til reaching heavenly shore
7. Co-workers with you, you do give
Your Spirit, and we live
Though we as grass, we soon are past
Your words and will e'er last
orchidee (
- Published: July 4th, 2017 10:08
- Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in 86 86 metre (Common Metre = CM). Inspried by Brian's 'Sunday poem' recently.
- Category: Spiritual
- Views: 63
Thanks for sharing STEVE ~ SERENITY is a lovely tune and a lovely STATE to be in ! I am glad you have majored on the infilling of the |Holy Spirit in your POEM ! In my experience ~ and that of millions of others ~ INNER SERENITY can only be obtained (on Earth) bu the Infilling PEACE of God's Holy Spirit ! Thanks for caring & sharing ~ AMEN ~ Yours BRIAN PLEASE check my fusion ~ and add a Poem on Sherry ~ Thanks B
Thanks B....And then I realised it, or was reminded of it, when reading your poem. Man (meaning individuals, men or women, boys or girls even )unable to find fulfilment, at least inwardly, until filled with the Holy Spirit.
As the olde 15th Century hymn goes: 'For none can guess His grace / Til he (or she) become the place / Wherein the Holy Spirit makes His dwelling'. [Come down, O love divine].
Good write.
Thanks G/F. Was we both around when Bianco da Siena wrote the original in the 15th Century?
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