I hate mirrors
They hold a reflection
A reflection of who you are
Like the cover of a book
A reflection is judged by its appearance
But a reflection Is only the tip of the iceberg
There is more there than meets the eye
But judgment is still laid on
No one cares to read the book if it has a bad appearance
So what happens when your reflection isn't appealing to the eye?
Society puts you back on the shelf without a second thought
You start to feel empty because of it
You believe what they say about you
And not long after it becomes hard to tell
Is it really the mirror I hate?
Or is it my reflection.
Good write but you must be aware that what YOU see in the mirror is a reflection of yourself, others see you as you are.
Excellent writing. I know all too well your expression and the stranger in my mirror oft seems to want to fight me. I think it was Jackson Brown once penned 'there's a stranger in the mirror, seems familiar, like a scarecrow of a person i once knew!' Actually sitting before a mirror can be a great leveler and a place to reflect (pun not intended) and contemplate. Super subject you've chosen here.
WELCOME REN ~ Thanks for your first Poem ~ MIRRORS have a lot to answer for ! I increasingly see my DAD (I'm 33) and if you see you MOM then get rid of the Mirror. Remember it is flat and only a "mirror image" and has NO personality ~ You are (in reality) much much more beautiful than that ! My advice hate both the mirror and its untrue limpid reflection but LOVE YOURSELF ~ AMEN ! Thanks for sharing ~ every Blessing ~ Your BRIAN (UK)
a mirror is a mirror. your reflection is a reflection. its not you. its a reflection in the mirror
Well done first offering, Ren! I like your 'reflective' poem.
Well written and expressed
Welcome, Ren! Fascinating first offering. Others rarely see what we see ourselves.
Couldn't put it in better words
Its hard to look a yourself in a mirror because you don't know whose staring.
One of my favorite poems so far, great job!
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