Follow Your Dreams

Alf W

Follow your dreams, we often say or hear!
But following dreams is always endless
For the very act of "following"
Implies never catching up.
One step forward towards the dream
Sees the dream one further step ahead.
That is what happens when we "follow".
So, what are we to do?
What is the secret?
What can we do to reach
The inexplicable, and unattainable dream?
Perhaps instead of following behind
We need follow within the dream!
Perhaps we are already within our dreams
Inasmuch as our dreams are within us!

  • Author: Alf W (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 16th, 2017 09:43
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 42
  • Users favorite of this poem: S.louise
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  • FredPeyer

    Alf, you are not only a great poet, you are a great philosopher as well. Interesting take on "following" dreams. But can we not "follow" a dream from the side, instead of behind? Like an observer, looking into a window, seeing the action as it unfolds, so being there without being there.

    • Alf W

      Thank you Fred. Yes, I like your observation .. you are right 🙂

    • Michael Edwards

      A poem that makes you think and question. Good work.

      • Alf W

        Thank you Michael.

      • Accidental Poet

        To dream is to challenge. Excellent write Alf. ; )

        • Alf W

          Thank you.

        • Goldfinch60

          Good write and thought provoking.
          Another aspect is we follow dreams because it leads us in the way of progression through our life, if we catch them what do we then do?

          • Alf W

            Thank you. Perhaps we can catch one and find out 🙂

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