Tune: St Gregory [Wainwright]
('With glorious clouds encompassed round')
Psalm 49 v.12-20
Man being in honour abides
Not, but temporary resides
He on the earth, perishes soon
As light darkened at noon
The upright shall have dominion
O'er the wicked, each one
Rich, greedy, their beauty, consumed
For they boasted, presumed
They set themselves up to live long
Nor worship God, no song
From them was heard, for they involved
In evil deeds, hearts cold
But God my soul he will redeem
From power of grave, though seem
My troubles great, me [He] will receive
For in Him I do believe
The righteous, they be those, the blessed
In the Lord find their rest
And sinful, selfish, shall vanish
Unfulfilled be their wish[es]
orchidee (
- Published: August 18th, 2017 08:41
- Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in 8686 metre (Common Metre = CM).
- Category: Spiritual
- Views: 43
Hah! You said it true friend. Some people do set themselves up with greedy intentions. I also like the fact that you strongly adhere to the metre. Well played, and I raise you one dollar!
Thanks N. Erm, it throws out the tune if I add or take away the proper number of syllables per line! Sometimes can sneak extra one in, e.g. 'power can be that, or can be 'po-wer'.
Indeed. I see your point.
Very good write Orchi.
Thanks Goldie. More Wesley for you!
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