
Fay Slimm.




I am soft-sift in thine hands.

Fast as in an hourglass the drift
quickens toward intimate contact
while kisses drench an expectant skin.

I am drawn to warm Lovescape.

Fired by thy mothsilk voice I lie
wishing more to take ravished gaze  
which over-rideth my maiden shyness.

I am much given to yield.

Seared to frazzle on need's rack
fear beaten with thine ardent flame 
dieth mine early resistance to passion.  

I am sealed by thy fervour.

Bathed by zeal's desired flavour
and close to swoon I, my Lord, thy
court favour thus shalt soon capitulate.


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  • FredPeyer

    Sounds like something Victorian to my uneducated Yankee ears!
    Great writing again, Fay!


    Ohhhhhhhhhhhh FAY you have really touched my HEART with this beautiful symbiotic Painting & Poem ! I'm a bit old fashioned in my choice of LADIES and you have painted & pencilled my ideal. Thank you for a perfect ODE to enlighten my Weekend ~ We have a Flower Festival in our local Anglican Church today ~ always Victorian and always uplifting. Your poem will enhance my Joy ~ Love as always ~ BRIAN Please check my Tribute to SANTITA ~ thanks B.

  • Michael Edwards

    moth-soft, needs rack, ---- superb language as always Fay

  • Accidental Poet

    Only an expert poet can pull off writing like this. Dripping with passion, you've created a masterpiece. Thanks for sharing Fay.

  • Louis Gibbs

    A classic poem, classically formed with expanding phrases. An artistic piece, this one, Fay. Kudos!

  • orchidee

    Oh lol, so I'm not the only one who swoons! Great write again Fay.

  • ron parrish aka wordman

    lovely words,lovely image

  • dusk arising

    Made me giggle with the fun i hadst converting your olde worlde stylism into pictures Antonio might create with his sensuous words. Worlds apart in style both make me smile. Yeah forsooth thou hast raised upon mine countenance the disgrace of a smile!

    • Fay Slimm.

      Am giggling at the fun I had in composing the piece my friend - archaic English is so olde worlde but it still has its penchant for the gentle erotic. Yeah forsooth I prithee ne'er think thee a smile giveth cause for disgrace - -and thanks a barraload for your lighthearted comment.

    • malubotelho

      Me too will have to break it so I can understand. I always use my intuition when reading poems and need to search the words to understand. I've felt the eroticism here and as always I love your poetry.

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