My Breakup

Louise Knight

My life is not what it was,
and will take time to be repaired,
my grip has slipped and I must admit, I am a little scared.

A path I'll find anew,
and mend my broken heart,
I'm not going to go backwards, but I need to find the start.

I've cried myself to sleep,
and cried myself awake,
I refuse to withhold my tears and hide my heartache.

My ignorance was apparent,
within it our problems were concealed,
but now there has been time to think, they're slowly being revealed.

All be it you found a part of me,
it's probably the part that's best,
and if not for you coaxing it out, it would still be suppressed.

I never thought I was strong,
nor did I think I was brave,
but I felt them both crash over me like an unforgiving wave.

I don't know where it came from,
but I found a way to cope,
and with my family and my friends I found forgotten hope.

Good memories hurt my heart,
and sad ones fuel the fire,
but I'm sure at some point the healthy balance will eventually transpire.

  • Author: Louise Knight (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 29th, 2017 11:44
  • Comment from author about the poem: Now I can deal with how I feel.
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 38
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    WELCOME LOUISE ~ Thanks for your first and very poignant poem ! I'm in the 25 ~ 35 age group and as I get older "BREAKUPS" hit you harder ~ especially when initially things were going well. I do have a GF (29) and things are OK at the moment ! I love the structure and pace of your elegant Poem and each verse increases your resolve to get back into equilibrium (healthy balance !) I can empathise with your experience ! Slipped grip ~ Broken heart ~ Crying ~ BUT THEN ~ Time to think ~ Coaxing ~ Bravery ~ Way to cope ~ Hope ~ Memories and eventually the HEALTHY BALANCE ~ AMEN ! Thinking of you ~ Thanks for sharing ~ Yours BRIAN (UK)

    • Louise Knight

      So true, I felt my life was going down this well thought out path, but out of no where, a curve ball, but I am getting there. Thank you for reading and commenting 🙂

    • mocuisle

      I really enjoyed this , was a great write I can really relate to this I know what your going through .. I hope that your okay

    • Goldfinch60

      Very good write. You are coming out from the sadness in which you found yourself and will go onwards in your life, life is there in front of you and is there to be enjoyed. Welcome to MPS.

      • Louise Knight

        Thank you, I am glad you liked it. I become stronger with each day that passes.

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