Tune: Anima Christi
('Soul of my Saviour, sanctify my breast')
Psalm 9 v.1-2
I will praise you, O LORD, with my whole heart
Marvellously you helped me, every part
I will show forth all your works wonderful
Will be glad, rejoice, in you I not fall
Psalm 9 v.2-3
I will sing praise to your name, O most High
I pray to you, to you for refuge fly
When my enemies are turned back, they shall
Perish at your presence, you for me do well
Psalm 8 v.1
O Lord, our Lord, how excellent your name
Worthy of honour and eternal fame
In all the earth your name exalted yet
Your glory above the heavens you set
Psalm 7 v.9
Let the wickedness of the wicked end
O do your righteous judgements to us send
But the just do establish strong and clear
You God, righteous, you try hearts and reins* here
(*reins = consciences)
Psalm 6 v.9-10
The LORD my supplication He has heard
He will receive my prayer, my humble word
Let all my enemies be vexed and shamed
Though I still you Lord, as my God have named
Psalm 5 v.11
Let all that put their trust in you rejoice
And ever shout with joy, lifting one voice
To you, for you defend them, protect sure
Let all that love your name joy e'ermore
Psalm 5 v.12
For you, LORD, the righteous you will them bless
Those who serve you and who your name confess
With favour you will compass them as shield
Glories bright and graces to them revealed
orchidee (
- Published: October 1st, 2017 09:28
- Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in metre, and a look around York in the clip, with the hymn.
- Category: Spiritual
- Views: 17
I'm suffering from wicked end wickedness at the moment - plenty of ginger and honey called for and a (very) large box of tissues. Great stuff as always O
Thanks M. Oh dear, yes, that is 'wicked'. Hope it settles soon.
I just don't know how you do this, orchidee, to be able to write one of these great hymns day after day!
Thanks Fred. I suppose I have to know the hymn tunes to a certain extent, before I start a hymn-poem.
Another good write Orchi.
Thanks Gold.
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