
As I climb this steep hill...

I remember the time you held my hand

I remember the time you wiped my tears

I remember the time you carried me on your shoulders.


I Finally made it to the top of this hill...

What a view to behold

I see your beloved willow tree but

I don’t see you.


All I see is a big grey stone...

The wind is blowing in my ear

I hear your voice

It’s calling me.


It’s telling me you’re okay...

Everything is just fine 

Oh how I miss you my love

R.I.P. my beloved DAD!







  • Author: Laura🌻 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: October 18th, 2017 06:09
  • Comment from author about the poem: My dad’s anniversary. ✝️
  • Category: Family
  • Views: 94
  • Users favorite of this poem: Accidental Poet
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Comments +


  • Christina8

    How beautiful Laura. What a wonderful tribute to your Dad! I'm sure he loves it too! Great poem!

  • Laura🌻

    Thank you Christina! Your comment is very much appreciated! He was a great man!

  • WL Schuett

    Yes good heartfelt writing . I so relate 😎

    • Laura🌻

      Thank you WL! Your read and comment is very much appreciated!

    • Goldfinch60

      Very good heartfelt write and tribute to your Dad, I feel the same way about my Dad as well.

      • Laura🌻

        Thank you Goldfinch! He deserves much more than this tribute for all the sacrifices he made for his family! Obviously you can relate! I appreciate your read and comments!

      • orchidee

        A thoughtful and sensitive write Laura.

        • Laura🌻

          Thank you Orchi! I appreciate your comments! Today has been a very difficult day!

        • ron parrish aka wordman

          beautiful sentiment

        • Laura🌻

          Thank you Santi 🙏🏻

        • Michael Edwards

          Many of us can relate to this beautiful piece - it made my eyes water. I seem to miss my Dad even more as I get older.

          • Laura🌻

            Yes, I miss him every single day! Sometimes I think I see him in a doorway, in a room, or following me.
            Thank you Michael for your visit and your comments! Very much appreciated!
            ~Laura ~

          • Accidental Poet

            How did I miss this beautiful tribute to your dad. I've a poem you may relate to, "This Is not Good-bye". Check it out if you wish. Great write here Laura.

          • Laura🌻

            I will check it out!

            Thank you for your read, your comments and the save!
            Very much appreciated!

          • Fay Slimm.

            Your tender words and beautiful sentiments make a father much loved and missed even more special - welcome to MPS dear Laura - I look forward to reading more of your work.

          • Laura🌻

            Thank you, Fay!

          • LukeCoomer

            So sad! I lost my dad too so poems like these always get me

          • Laura🌻

            Thank you Luke. I appreciate your comment!

          • Joseph M Marion

            Love your beautiful poems and words so good

          • Laura🌻

            Thank you Joseph !

          • HChristian74

            I love this! I look forward to more of your artistic work.


          • Laura🌻

            You’re welcome!
            I’m sorry for YOUR loss! May they Rest In Peace! I miss my dad so much as I’m sure you miss your mom!
            Thank you for your lovely comments!

          • Poetic Dan

            Beautifully done, I shed a tear to the love of my children. I'm glad to read and feel what a great relationship can build, thanks for inspiring me more.

          • poelove

            beautiful grief cherished in this lovely poem. I trust that you found a level of comfort in writing this.

          • Laura🌻

            Yes, I did!
            Thank you for the
            read and kind words!
            I sincerely appreciate
            your visit!


          • Lorna

            Laura - I just found this one..... sitting waiting for a snowstorm today with not much to do.......... and it's beautiful. Odd too because my Dad had planted a willow tree at one of the homes we lived in when I was young...... it's still there a full grown and older tree now! Maybe we are ancestorily related!

            • Poetic Dan

              I think you are! And both Awesomely amazing!

            • Laura🌻

              There you go, Lorna!
              Maybe we are!! 😊

              Thank you for your
              visit and commenting!

              I hope the snowstorm
              won’t be too harsh for
              you! Take good care!


            • Neville

              these words comprise a truly moving and lasting tribute to a father 'Dad' who is much loved and clearly missed.... I know such love and the pain you so eloquently describe here Laura... I miss my Dad too...... Neville x

              • Laura🌻

                Thank you for the visit and the brill comment! Very much appreciated.
                Love and prayers for our dads!💜


                • Neville

                  Bless you Laura, I will drink to that this evening & true..... Neville

                  • Laura🌻

                    🍷 father’s favorite!😊

                    • Neville

                      cheers me luverly friend...

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