New Depths.

Fay Slimm.



New Depths.


Find the place where two seas meet,
stand on the edge of seen and unseen
and listen to Heaven speaking.


Love is too vast to describe in words,
look in the personal mirror's universe
and discover depths that are new.


Authentic soul-beauty feels self-empty
when filled with wonder's pure ecstasy.

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  • Accidental Poet

    Another masterpiece Fay. Oh the hearts you touch with words that flow.

  • myself and me

    True beauty about the depth of love.

  • Goldfinch60

    Love is always overpowering in its vastness, good write Fay.

  • LaurašŸŒ»

    For me, it is the unseen
    thatā€™s daunting...
    Great write,
    poetess Fay!
    Thank you!

  • Louis Gibbs

    "The edge of seen and unseen" ... where all seekers dwell. Listening to Heaven is what one need strive to practice. A wise, well-scribed poem here, Fay!

  • Tony36

    Great write

  • orchidee

    A fine write Fay.

  • FredPeyer

    That first stanza is so incredible and beautifully written, Fay! The whole poem is excellent, but it is that first stanza that grabbed me and is now careening around inside my head.

    • Fay Slimm.

      Ah - - so pleased you were moved by the first stanza dear Fred - - it tried to describe the beauty of listening to the almost unhearable. Thank you for your perceptive comment.


      Thanks FAY ~ Perfect visual ~ Precious poem ! In my experience (as in yours) the Dimensions of Love are INFINITE ! The more I delve into the Depths of God's Love ~ and Human love with ANGELA ~ the more I appreciate its INFINITY ~ AMEN ~ Yours for ever ~ BRIAN

      • Fay Slimm.

        Thanks as ever for your consistent support Brian - so glad you were moved to comment about the dimensions of love.

      • dusk arising

        Your ability to find words which reach into our very soul and tingle the deepest emotions is astounding here. Where there are no words to describe the vastness, as you state, your words find a place which stirs within us the wonderful things we, who have loved, have felt. Belongs in my favourites.

        • Fay Slimm.

          Your comments full as they are with encouragement are so gratefully received - there is nothing better in my humble opinion that to be able by words to enter deep into readers emotions and leave them feeling the better for having found something of value . Thank you and so pleased you feel the piece belongs in your faves.

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