My First


Nervous, our skin touches

Our bodies come together 

Yet never have I been so sure 

That I wanted this forever 


Gentlemanly, you take your time

Are gentle with each touch 

And in this moment you are mine 

And in everything I trust 


No one, not you nor I 

Knows what the future brings 

But in this night, that is ours 

Our love fills everything 


Sensations, new to me 

And new to you as well 

Like learning a new language 

Which causes all time to stand still 


My first you'll always be to me 

Part of my heart you'll always hold 

For our time together has meant the world 

Something I'll cherish as I grow old 

  • Author: R . Rose (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: January 7th, 2018 15:38
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 22
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    Thanks Rebecca ~ You describe it as it should be ~ first time ! I am always the Gentleman ~ slow ~ gentle ~ sensitive and site conscious ! First time should be warm & cosy in bed ~ not the back of a MINI in a cold CAR~PARK ~ but alas it often is ! Thanks for sharing ~ It only happens ONCE ~ Yours BRIAN

  • Goldfinch60

    Good write about the right way this should happen. May your life be filled with joy.

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