love is a lung

Heather T



I missed you

instantly before you

were even gone

always being the one to

look back and you


smiling already 

at hope and open



he drew 

lungs; two

in perfect 



of course he knew

that love was

better oxygen

for you


ten thousand years is

a very long chat and after

we will dance and never

run out of anything

as silly

as breath


love is a lung

and what is



oh, inhale 

drink deeply and 


while we are missing you




and can only dream

of heaven

  • Author: Heather T (Offline Offline)
  • Published: January 22nd, 2018 14:58
  • Comment from author about the poem: My Cindy Lou, three years gone. She had scleroderma which resulted in pulmonary fibrosis. She died waiting for a double lung transplant too many miles from home. This poem is about the last day I saw her and a dream our close friend shared before she passed.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 71
  • Users favorite of this poem: Paxton Tate, Fay Slimm.
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  • Fay Slimm.

    A heart-wrenching tribute to a very brave smile of a dear friend facing the journey to breath-taking otherness waiting to fill "the lungs of love." Your pen outlined caring closeness known only to few and goes to my favourites - thank you for sharing your last day together. xx

    • Heather T

      Thank you for taking the time to honor her and our last day, dear Fay. She was so brave!

    • Michael Edwards

      What a great tribute - super work Heather

      • Heather T

        Grateful, Michael! Thank you

      • Lorna

        Oh Heather this was so lovely. And now you have made us all love her too!

        • Heather T

          I appreciate you, Lorna. She was special.

        • Goldfinch60

          Very good emotive write and tribute to your dear friend, she will always be with you.

          • Heather T

            Thank you much. She is with me still.

          • FredPeyer

            Heather, only a caring, beautiful person like you could have written this kind of loving tribute to your friend. I am not sure how it is on the 'other side', but I can imagine her watching you and giving you a great smile from wherever she is.

            • Heather T

              She smiled and comforted until the last. Thank you, my friend.

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