Fay Slimm.


Still Climbing.


Stormforce confronts the tail-end
of innocence and carefree
calm hurled away, fire's mind-set
lights departure's legacy.

Life in the wake of changes acts
out a merciless course,
composure alters as hurtful facts
faced are being absorbed.

Scarring of hope exposes wounds
and festers turn raw
as lover's lost trust starts to ooze
bile inside heart's disorder

Lies like turbulence cause offence
to shards of memory
and words strike hard when sense
betrays waywardness.

Gathering a last frenzied strength
truth floods thru resistance,
forces entry, flails and quenches
a taste for forgiveness.

Now dry-eyed the lady fights on
safer ground, well-shaken
but wiser and still climbing from
such bitter betrayal.




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  • Accidental Poet

    Excellent work Fay. Betrayal, the worst slap in the face from a trusted friend or family member.

    • Fay Slimm.

      I agree A.P. - - betrayal is so hard to think around when trust is broken - yet climbing again is the way to go if we can - -- thank you so much for the comment.

      • Accidental Poet

        May you reach the top and find that which you've been searching for Fay.

      • Lorna

        Beautiful Fay - the courage comes in trying to trust people again doesn't it.

        • Fay Slimm.

          Oh I do agree Lorna - these things test out mettle and we certainly need courage to be able to climb up again. Thank you dear friend for the read and the comment.

        • orchidee

          Super write Fay.

          • Fay Slimm.

            Thanks Orchi - -not an easy subject to write on but hope you enjoyed the read.

          • LaurašŸŒ»

            A compelling read, my dear Fay, from beginning to end!
            The perfect title and first two lines totally immerse the reader in the subject matter! It commands the readerā€™s attention. Cannot stop reading till the end is reached! Just like a mystery! The relatability takes hold upon the consequent readings! The more I read it, the more it resonates! The saving grace is that as time elapses, the pain subsides!
            A superb write! Thank you for sharing!


            • Fay Slimm.

              I really appreciate the time you took Laura over both the read and the comment on a subject which needs thought before writing - - your final view of what happens often when time elapses give credence to grace which can help us find the way out. So pleased you found value in the read my friend. Thank you again.

            • Michael Edwards

              Super work Fay.

              • Fay Slimm.

                Thanks Micnael - some have to endure such abuse as betrayal and hope this piece can show a way through. Glad you enjoyed the read.

              • dusk arising

                Wisdom and love of humanity, human nature, does educate us as we age. Pain however is a price we pay as we negotiate several learning curves, often curves we thought had been such excellent teachers before. A positive spirit, faith in human kind and yes 'hope' lead us forward.
                Another of your heartfelt beautiful writes.

                • Fay Slimm.

                  You sum up well the challenges we face when learning curves itself around our trust - - am really grateful that you found some value in the way I tried to show toward climbing again out of such pain. Thank you indeed D.A.

                • Christina8

                  Excellent write Fay on a difficult topic! Whether the betrayal is lover or family, it is devastating and you wrote about it in a way only you can! Amazing!

                • Goldfinch60

                  Super write Fay. Being betrayed is one of the worst things that can happen in a relationship. It is good to see that wisdom prevails at the end.

                • FredPeyer

                  Beautiful and imaginative writing, Fay! Love that last stanza!

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