The Worm Moon (March)


Worm trails on the ground

Signal the Cold Moon's flight

The earth has softened up a bit

The Worm Moon rides the night

We stir

But fires are still lit

We sit

Still waiting by the hearth

Ears pricked

  • Author: Lorna (Offline Offline)
  • Published: March 1st, 2018 02:09
  • Comment from author about the poem: Another month gone by! Here is the March moon............
  • Category: Nature
  • Views: 144
  • Users favorite of this poem: Laura🌻
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  • Michael Edwards

    Great write Lorna and well conceived but sadly the poor old moon has as yet to warm the ground enough to encourage the worms to start their cycle . More like a Worm-in-Waiting moon Lol

  • Lorna

    We are starting to see a little progress here Michael! But I'm sure winter isn't finished with us yet.... Song should read: "I'll be looking for the worms, but I'll be seeing you!!!!"

  • orchidee

    Good write Lorna. Aww we never got a full moon at all in UK in February. 28 days, and the last one was end of January. Maybe two full moons in March - not checked me diary yet though.

    • Lorna

      Odd! We've already had two blue moons this year! Maybe we took too many and left you none!

    • Laura🌻

      Those poor worms. They’re trying so hard to worm their way through the snow! They need some warmth! Nice pic to accentuate your enjoyable write!


    • FineB

      Thank you Lorna,

      An enchanting poem. I loved the picture too!

      Super write.

      Keep writing


      Thanks LORNA ~ In S E England we are still on Snow Alert ! The SNOW keeps the soil warm and insulated ~ but they are all staying under the sheets. Worms are cherished in the UK because they aerate and mix the SOIL and receive no fee ~ Thanks to MOTHER NATURE ~ AMEN ~ Spring Hugs ~ BRIAN @@@

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