The way I see it,
Rain comes from Clouds.
Each rain drop created,
High above the sky,
Only to be dropped down to earth.
And on it's way down,
It looks a the world and all the creatures upon it..
It sees trees and grass,
Homes and parks,
Nature calling,
And humanity loving.
Then, right before the raindrop hits the ground,
It decides how it feels based upon everything it saw.
So, when the rain drop falls to Earth,
It sings it's song.
Makes it's call,
Its cry.
Keeping the Earth from being dry.
It sings about what the raindrop saw,
What it felt..
But, I also believe that we,
As humans,
Live in a world that is over-runned,
By Greed.
By Hate, and by Lust.
Therefore-- We as humans,
Cannot hear The Songs of the Rain.
Our minds pass them over as water all the same.
But if only we'd open our ears,
Our minds,
Just a little-- Wider.
If only,
If only.
An original poem By,
The observations of our world;
Through the eyes of a thirteen year old.
A.e.m.s (Pseudonym) (
- Published: May 14th, 2018 14:40
- Comment from author about the poem: This is my first poem to post, And... I really enjoy nature, and like to see the beauty in the world over the hate. 'look at the glass half full' I guess. But tomorrow I'm turning 14. My last day being 13, and... Although I am excited, I'm also not very excited. Because today as I love my last day of 13, I've been looking at the world around me. The last day for me to look at it, as 13, And... I don't like what I see. There are many ways in which I view the world, that others don't, And so, Starting off another year, I want to share those opinions and views with the world. This is my view on rain. On it's beauty, I find it.. Meaningful.
- Category: Nature
- Views: 35
- Users favorite of this poem: Lorna, a__pott, SLR
This is a beautiful view of the rain! If I were 13 I too would be a bit horrified by today's world...... soon though you will be the "people" of the future and maybe you can change it...... Happy Birthday......
Incredible take on rain, an already beautiful thing made more beautiful. A favorite
I see that we have some things in common. I also hear a song when it rains. I've been told I'm odd and my viewpoint frequently different than other people I know. I was also homeschooled for a while. Great post! You're DEFINITELY one to watch
Greetings from England AEMS (Love Louisiana !) welcome to MPS ~ it's a great Poetry Site ~ consider us all an extension of your HOME SCHOOL ! The way MPS works is we comment on each others poems and build up a CIRCLE of MPS Friends ~ OK !
Love the tune you included ~ it sounded just like the rain on my shed roof !
Love the POEM it is a GEM ! Rain is what makes PLANET EARTH a living Planet ! You describe the WATER CYCLE which is driven bt the Sun and circulates and purifies the Earth's water supply !
I teach APPLIED SCIENCE so here is my summation !
STANZA 1. Yes the rain is stored in the clouds
STANZA 2. As the rain falls it sees how essential it is to the FLORA (see how happy flowers are in the rain !) and the FAUNA and that it makes them all HAPPY (including farmers !)
STANZA 3. It sings its SONG - It makes its call and brings water and life - Raindrops are happy and tinkle when they fall !
STANZA 4. Love the analogy - we can open our ears & eyes and be like love & life giving raindrops - AMEN
STANZA 5. WE need to listen to "The Song of the Rain" I sure do !
STANZA 6. IF ONLY - IF ONLY - We could be more loving & giving - like the RAINDROPS !
This is an awesome poem - I give it an A* - you have great Spiritual insight - more please Yours BRIAN (UK) P
lease check my POEMS and my FUSION on Artists - To see it press DEVELOPING - OK
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