Franks Psychiatry 5 #68: before breakfast

Frank Prem

these four are a hormone
there’s one for your blood
a small one so you piddle
two to get you sorted
down below
and in behind


the purples are for mood swings
the green one my dear
is just because you’re mad


and in case of a side effect
there’s one more as well


hold out your hand
it’s like a bag full of lollies
isn’t it
there’s gob-stops
jelly beans and smarties
and a drink with some fizz


be careful
don’t fart


no don’t ask
just swallow them down
my dear


I’ll get you a slice of warm toast
with marmalade


enjoy your breakfast



  • Author: Frank Prem (Offline Offline)
  • Published: May 17th, 2018 02:54
  • Comment from author about the poem: Franks Psychiatry Pt 5 - hostel life.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 19
  • Users favorite of this poem: Laura🌻
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  • Goldfinch60

    I can sort of relate to this as my wife takes 18 tablets per day and I have to sort them out for her.

    • Frank Prem

      A huge issue and problem for older folk and anyone not easily able to manage meds.

      Poly-pharmacy and general confusion about meds is rife. Pills to counter pills, GF.

    • Laura🌻

      I agree wholeheartedly with you and Andy! I go through the pill regimen with my far only 13! Yes, imagine the ones who cannot manage their meds on their own!
      A friend of my son overdosed on his meds! He tripple dosed within an hour! He had forgotten that he had taken them! Unfortunately, he died!


      • Frank Prem

        A nightmare, Laura. Terrible outcome.

      • SLR

        A dear friend of mine was on a few meds and an emergency room doctor gave her some medicine that interacted with the ones she was on and it sent her into a coma that she never came out of. It's horrific to even think about. I really believe they should check ALL meds against ALL others before prescribing any! I'm sorry for the depressing post but this reminded me. I do really like the post though, Mr Frank. At least they are different colors. Not so many little white ones to try to keep track of.

        • Frank Prem

          This one touches a cord, it seems.

          All around the world we are drowning ourselves in pills.

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