Comments received on poems by Invisible Scars

peto said:

Your scars are beginning to show
So maybe your feelings will also
Keep writing it our
Enjoyed reading

February 2nd, 2024 04:47

who am i without you?
sally said:

healing takes time but i\'m sure you will find back your old self, Great poem by the way !

March 18th, 2022 08:00

who am i without you?
sally said:

healing takes time but i\'m sure you will find back your old self, Great poem by the way !

March 18th, 2022 07:58

who am i without you?
L. B. Mek said:

a tough journey to undertake
so sad that, some ending\'s
have us, reconfiguring
our entire sense of self..
thanks for sharing

March 18th, 2022 05:27

who am i without you?
Caring dove said:

That’s sad (

March 18th, 2022 01:26

What\'s Wrong With Me
BoxMyHeart said:

Heartbreak is never easy and seems to last forever but some how, you will survive. We all feel \'i am not enough\' but we are enough, and are capable of accepting that we are enough, this takes time and self love.

I enjoyed this write, reminds me of the poems I wrote in my teens, the angst is real. Keep writing it will help you heal.

October 25th, 2020 02:51

What\'s Wrong With Me
Goldfinch60 said:

In life we have times like this but believe me there are so many good times and people out there for you and your words will give you a release to help you come through the bad times.


October 25th, 2020 01:31

What\'s Wrong With Me
dusk arising said:

Coming out of a relationship with those feelings is something I have experienced too. With hindsight it became clearer to me that my then partner was completely wrong for me but hey, loyalty and monogamy were a glue.
You express the feelings of inadequacy very well.
The power of writing is amazing therapy. I wrote myself out of depression. Keep writing, you write well.

October 24th, 2020 03:36

Goldfinch60 said:

You are saving yourself by writing these words, keep putting words on paper and your broken inside will soon be repaired.

November 5th, 2018 01:15

Debsspot said:

Simple clear message.
Sometimes you have to take care of yourself.

October 31st, 2018 06:13

Wayne hague said:

I like this poem the words and the feeling in it allot of people can relate to something like this

March 18th, 2018 15:06

Mugsdaddy said:

Exercise your demons here and your beauty will be apparent to all even you.

September 11th, 2017 00:51

Gary Edward Geraci said:
Spiritual Warfare Prayers

September 10th, 2017 22:32

Gary Edward Geraci said:

Fortunately, we are not the final arbiter regarding our own self-worth. Our Creator holds that claim and in his eyes we are loved beyond measure - inconceivably loved and held in great esteem and worth. And those demons? Chump change my friend - I\'ve exorcised mine a long time ago - what are you waiting for?

September 10th, 2017 22:30

hold my hand
Christina8 said:

Great poem. Thought provoking to be sure. I\'ve been with my husband a long time and I can say with 100% certainty that I really do know him, yes. But in the beginning of a relationship, I guess it\'s hard to be sure.

September 8th, 2017 07:12

Gary Edward Geraci said:

Your poem points to the lofty pursuit of sacramental marriage. There love has the best chance to blossom and bloom without the fear of sudden abandonment. Surely cohabitation alone can\'t save one from the crushing insecurities brought on by another who simply won\'t commit. It never did for me...

September 4th, 2017 22:50

myself and me said:

\"But i know when you leave
My mind will be a depressing storm \"
I can feel what you feel.
Love is such a strong feeling, you can lost yourself in it.
Very well expressed.

September 4th, 2017 20:14

Christina8 said:

I suffer from anxiety too. I hope you keep writing even though the anxiety is crazy. Thanks for sharing!

August 26th, 2017 19:18

rrodriguez said:

What\'s in store in a life full of poems and adventures. I would like to see a different side of you. Nicely written, albeit, the poem is sad.

August 25th, 2017 22:06

Bibbeck said:

Beautiful! A lovely tribute to obviously someone very well loved. Thanks for sharing.

August 24th, 2017 14:53

Dark Spirits
burning-embers said:

Dark writing from your brave soul. Thought provoking stuff.

August 22nd, 2017 14:15

burning-embers said:

You are no danger to me, and that which you are you have every right to be! First and foremost you are a human being.
Continue to write your protestations! Your writing is good.

August 21st, 2017 21:08

Positive Reality
myself and me said:

Be simple is the key to happiness.

August 17th, 2017 22:57

Positive Reality
Lillian_Jean said:

i really like this a whole lot. i wish i could clear me head to. i\'ve been told it gets better.

August 17th, 2017 14:20

Positive Reality

Thank you FRIEND ~ for your first poem ! We all have \"mood swings\" but the ones you describe in your elegant poem are extreme ! We can be changed by the \"Renewing of our Mind\" but we cannot do it without the help of Our Creator God ~ AMEN ! Thanks for caring and sharing ~ please check my poems ~ Thanks BRIAN (UK)

August 17th, 2017 07:27

Positive Reality
Nicholas Browning said:

Happiness is a fragile thing. If you keep questioning what the definition of happiness is, then you\'ll never find it. Keep it up.

August 17th, 2017 05:04