Comments received on poems by Laura🌻
BUONA SERA LAURA - Grazie per Tua Poesia Elegante ! It sure is only when we subdue the noise of our own EGO - Que La Musica d*Ecstacia - filters through - Amen
Bene e Pace ed Amore
Abracci e Baci per Tu
Amici Angela e Brian 💛💛💛
Per favore ~ Please to check our
Site & Fusion ~ GRAZIE A & B & S
June 26th, 2020 16:59
BUONA SERA LAURA - Grazie per Tua Poesia Elegante ! It sure is only when we subdue the noise of our own EGO - Que La Musica d*Ecstacia - filters through - Amen
Bene e Pace ed Amore
Abracci e Baci per Tu
Amici Angela e Brian 💛💛💛
Per favore ~ Please to check our
Site & Fusion ~ GRAZIE A & B & S
June 26th, 2020 16:59
Accidental Poet said:
It doesn\'t get any better than that. Great write Laura.
June 26th, 2020 11:25
Accidental Poet said:
It doesn\'t get any better than that. Great write Laura.
June 26th, 2020 11:25
Neville said:
I\'m with them other guys & gall of course... must just add..
although at first glance , these four lines may appear simple.. they are brimming with poetry and truth... and your acknowledgement demonstrates both your generosity and selflessness
You just done good Laura, very good
June 26th, 2020 10:51
Neville said:
I\'m with them other guys & gall of course... must just add..
although at first glance , these four lines may appear simple.. they are brimming with poetry and truth... and your acknowledgement demonstrates both your generosity and selflessness
You just done good Laura, very good
June 26th, 2020 10:51
dusk arising said:
I really am such a big fan of the power of short pieces. Today you have excelled in this.
A must for my favourites.
June 26th, 2020 09:13
dusk arising said:
I really am such a big fan of the power of short pieces. Today you have excelled in this.
A must for my favourites.
June 26th, 2020 09:13
orchidee said:
Good write Laura.
But meanwhile - Oohh, don\'t bother, gal. You\'ll only hear me singing to that music! heehee.
June 26th, 2020 07:38
orchidee said:
Good write Laura.
But meanwhile - Oohh, don\'t bother, gal. You\'ll only hear me singing to that music! heehee.
June 26th, 2020 07:38
Fay Slimm. said:
You nailed the truth in only four lines dear Laura - a lovely read.
June 26th, 2020 07:17
Fay Slimm. said:
You nailed the truth in only four lines dear Laura - a lovely read.
June 26th, 2020 07:17
Michael Edwards said:
This is quite special in its simplicity - love it Laura.
June 26th, 2020 07:06
Michael Edwards said:
This is quite special in its simplicity - love it Laura.
June 26th, 2020 07:06
A Special Shout-Out to All Dads
Neville said:
Posting these words clearly demonstrates how thoughtful you are Laura and I just want to send my very own belated but personal thank you to add to the collection.... 🌻THANK YOU 🌻
Neville 🌻
June 24th, 2020 11:55
Neville said:
Posting these words clearly demonstrates how thoughtful you are Laura and I just want to send my very own belated but personal thank you to add to the collection.... 🌻THANK YOU 🌻
Neville 🌻
June 24th, 2020 11:55
A Special Shout-Out to All Dads
Poetic Dan said:
Bless your Poetic soul and much appreciation as we try to set a better future! May your ripples of wonderful vibes, keep us all united as a tribe..
Much peace and respect
June 22nd, 2020 14:01
Poetic Dan said:
Bless your Poetic soul and much appreciation as we try to set a better future! May your ripples of wonderful vibes, keep us all united as a tribe..
Much peace and respect
June 22nd, 2020 14:01
A Special Shout-Out to All Dads
Accidental Poet said:
I\'ve no children either Laura. But I was lucky enough to have a Samoyed female dog some years ago. And she was like a daughter to me. I even have a window sticker on my truck that says \"SAMOYED DAD\"
Happy Father\'s Day to all you dads out there in Poetry Land.
June 21st, 2020 09:52
Accidental Poet said:
I\'ve no children either Laura. But I was lucky enough to have a Samoyed female dog some years ago. And she was like a daughter to me. I even have a window sticker on my truck that says \"SAMOYED DAD\"
Happy Father\'s Day to all you dads out there in Poetry Land.
June 21st, 2020 09:52
A Special Shout-Out to All Dads
orchidee said:
Good write Laura.
KP and I have no children - it would be too horrific to have mini-versions of her! lol.
June 21st, 2020 09:34
orchidee said:
Good write Laura.
KP and I have no children - it would be too horrific to have mini-versions of her! lol.
June 21st, 2020 09:34
Missing You
Accidental Poet said:
Laura, I\'m so sorry you\'ve lost your mom. I have two moms in Heaven. Birth and adoptive. One thing I\'ve learned is, we will all be together again. As will you and your mom.
June 20th, 2020 13:03
Accidental Poet said:
Laura, I\'m so sorry you\'ve lost your mom. I have two moms in Heaven. Birth and adoptive. One thing I\'ve learned is, we will all be together again. As will you and your mom.
June 20th, 2020 13:03
Accidental Poet said:
Excellently put Laura. Case in point: a certain leader of a certain country (my own), and all he cares about is making himself out as God\'s gift to the world. Personally, I don\'t think he would be God\'s gift to the world. God is the exact opposite of him.
Hope you\'ve been well Laura.
June 20th, 2020 12:14
Accidental Poet said:
Excellently put Laura. Case in point: a certain leader of a certain country (my own), and all he cares about is making himself out as God\'s gift to the world. Personally, I don\'t think he would be God\'s gift to the world. God is the exact opposite of him.
Hope you\'ve been well Laura.
June 20th, 2020 12:14
ANGELA QUI - CAIO LAURA - Buon Pomeriggio - Grazie per tua Poesia *Dovremmo tutti imparare a Guadare prima de slatar* Always Look before you Leap = Engage Brain before opening Mouth.! Thanks for sharing !
Abbracci e Baci
Con Amore - ANGELA 💛💛💛
June 20th, 2020 11:29
ANGELA QUI - CAIO LAURA - Buon Pomeriggio - Grazie per tua Poesia *Dovremmo tutti imparare a Guadare prima de slatar* Always Look before you Leap = Engage Brain before opening Mouth.! Thanks for sharing !
Abbracci e Baci
Con Amore - ANGELA 💛💛💛
June 20th, 2020 11:29
orchidee said:
Erm, yes, it helps if we know what we\'re talking about - if we \'know our subject\'. How can anyone else know what we\'re on about, if we don\'t know ourselves! lol.
Bit like - it helps to plug in the television to get a picture on the screen. Oh, and put the \'ON\' switch, erm, on too!
June 20th, 2020 11:08
orchidee said:
Erm, yes, it helps if we know what we\'re talking about - if we \'know our subject\'. How can anyone else know what we\'re on about, if we don\'t know ourselves! lol.
Bit like - it helps to plug in the television to get a picture on the screen. Oh, and put the \'ON\' switch, erm, on too!
June 20th, 2020 11:08
Michael Edwards said:
Spot on Laura. There are too many \'bull in a china shop\' tactics employed without reasoned discussion and respect for others. Thankfully here in the UK we\'ve now got a reasoned calm and measured opposition leader - just hope he will live up to the promise.
June 20th, 2020 08:37
Michael Edwards said:
Spot on Laura. There are too many \'bull in a china shop\' tactics employed without reasoned discussion and respect for others. Thankfully here in the UK we\'ve now got a reasoned calm and measured opposition leader - just hope he will live up to the promise.
June 20th, 2020 08:37
Accidental Poet said:
Laura, I\'m getting the feeling you\'re not fond of Covid-19.
; ) Great write Laura,
June 18th, 2020 17:10
Accidental Poet said:
Laura, I\'m getting the feeling you\'re not fond of Covid-19.
; ) Great write Laura,
June 18th, 2020 17:10
Suresh said:
Punish us not for others evil, so do not thread on our doorstep. Let\'s chant begone together.
June 11th, 2020 19:22
Suresh said:
Punish us not for others evil, so do not thread on our doorstep. Let\'s chant begone together.
June 11th, 2020 19:22
Fay Slimm. said:
I agree with each line in this wise condemnation of an unwelcome virus.
May 27th, 2020 13:39
Fay Slimm. said:
I agree with each line in this wise condemnation of an unwelcome virus.
May 27th, 2020 13:39
Neville said:
Hey Laura,
You just said what an awful lot of folk all around the world are saying, thinking and writing right now...and having now given the matter much consideration... I am pleased to advise that by virtue of your having said and written this message so bloomin well, a lot of us feel happier and you my friend would seem to be coping well … stay safe n well,
May 27th, 2020 13:14
Neville said:
Hey Laura,
You just said what an awful lot of folk all around the world are saying, thinking and writing right now...and having now given the matter much consideration... I am pleased to advise that by virtue of your having said and written this message so bloomin well, a lot of us feel happier and you my friend would seem to be coping well … stay safe n well,
May 27th, 2020 13:14
orchidee said:
A fine write Laura.
If less serious - aww, why you tell me to be gone? I was only gonna pop in and sing a song - or ten! lol.
May 27th, 2020 02:03
orchidee said:
A fine write Laura.
If less serious - aww, why you tell me to be gone? I was only gonna pop in and sing a song - or ten! lol.
May 27th, 2020 02:03
Michael Edwards said:
Such is the reality - we do so miss our social gatherings - life will never be the same.
May 27th, 2020 00:35
Michael Edwards said:
Such is the reality - we do so miss our social gatherings - life will never be the same.
May 27th, 2020 00:35
In Memoriam
peto said:
You don\'t say much Laura
But when you do
It\'s always worth the read
Fitting tribute
May 25th, 2020 05:06
peto said:
You don\'t say much Laura
But when you do
It\'s always worth the read
Fitting tribute
May 25th, 2020 05:06
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