Comments received on poems by Sarah Marie

Down syndrome
FredPeyer said:

Well written, Sarah! The last six lines especially are wonderful. Thank you for posting!

January 26th, 2018 11:33

Abortion is no solution
Caring dove said:

i think there are certain exceptions and i agree with you there. however calling someone who wants an abortion , seems somewhat harsh ... however on the other hand , i can see why you are saying this , its a difficult subject matter

January 25th, 2018 12:04

Abortion is no solution

Thanks SARAH ~ The morality of Abortion is a very important subject ! I have studied GENETICS and when a Male Sperm (23 chromosomes) fertilises a FEMALE Egg (23 chromosomes) it forms a ZYGOTE a 46 chromosome unit which multiplies and after 38 weeks develops into a Human Baby which can be delivered by the MIDWIFE. As a Scientist I believe that imediatly after CONCEPTION the 46 chromosome unit is a VIABLE HUMAN BEING just as much as the \"9 Month Baby\" ! Therefore any termination at any time is a s much MURDER as if the BABY was killed SIX MONTHS after it was born ~ OK ~ We have to remember that in the THIRD REICH (1933 ~ 1945) Children born with Downs Syndrome or other congenital conditions were MURDERED after Birth. A DOWNS SYNDROME child in the womb is a reason to be granted an abortion. Thanks for caring & sharing ~ BRIAN

January 25th, 2018 11:56

Abortion is no solution

Thanks SARAH ~ The morality of Abortion is a very important subject ! I have studied GENETICS and when a Male Sperm (23 chromosomes) fertilises a FEMALE Egg (23 chromosomes) it forms a ZYGOTE a 46 chromosome unit which multiplies and after 38 weeks develops into a Human Baby which can be delivered by the MIDWIFE. As a Scientist I believe that imediatly after CONCEPTION the 46 chromosome unit is a VIABLE HUMAN BEING just as much as the \"9 Month Baby\" ! Therefore any termination at any time is a s much MURDER as if the BABY was killed SIX MONTHS after it was born ~ OK

January 25th, 2018 11:56

Jesus is coming back

WHEN CHRIST SHALL COME ~ Resplendent in His Glory to take me Home ~ What Joy shall then be mine ...... ! Thanks SARAH for sharing ~ we get very few Poems on the Second Coming ~ A key Christian Doctrine. All the \"signs\" indicate JESUS is coming back soon ~ so we must be READY ! The Scriptures say \"Because you are aware that JESUS is coming back again ~ what sort of people should we be ~ In all Holy Living ? 2 Peter 3 v 11 We should serve JESUS 24/7 and be ready when He returns ! Also we need to instruct the unconverted before it is too late ! Thank you ~ Yours BRIAN On a lighter note ~ If JESUS lands in ALABAMA ~ He would get such a welcome that He might want to stay for a few MONTHS and enjoy the Southern Fellowship Love & Hospitality ~ AMEN ~ BRIAN !

January 25th, 2018 11:25

Abortion is no solution
Tony36 said:

Well written and expressed. I agree whole heartily

January 24th, 2018 13:01

I am from

WELCOME SARAH ~ Thanks for an excellent first poem in which you open your heart and life to us in a very frank and positive way. The poem pulsates with rhythm making it a compelling read. First let me say I love ALABAMA ~ the people and their laid back and loving attitude ! I drove fro Tampa Florida to MOBILE in coastal Alabama and it was like Paradise ~ What a State to be in. I could only stay a few days but I will be back (I\'m from UK).
You mention many issues in your poem ~ Broken Home and choosing to live with Dad in Alabama ~ loosing your innocence at 9 (horrendous) ~ finding the FAITH to trust in GOD and His amazing Grace ! ~ Learning to love yourself an growing as a Proud Lady from ALABAMA ~ AMEN ! Thinking of you ~ Praying for you ~ BRIAN (UK) Please check my Poems ~ Thanks B.

January 23rd, 2018 10:50