Comments received on poems by KatieRivera

I only had to go to school

WELCOME KAI ~ Thanks for your first POEM a very elegant and moving tribute to the DEAD & BEREAVED in the School Shootings in \"The Sunshine State !\" SO so sad and so so moving. I\'m involved in Education in a College and I cried for the so sad loss of 17 Young & Promising Lives. When will they ever learn ? Death & Wounding by GUN per capita in the USA is 100 times greater than in the UK because there are 325 million People in the USA and 325 million Guns. When I visited a GUN STORE in Alabama it made me physically ill. The GUN Laws are outdated ~ but TRUMP will do NOTHING to alter the USA Gun Laws ! Please pray for Florida & America ~ Thanks for caring ~ Yours BRIAN (UK)

February 19th, 2018 16:53

I only had to go to school
Jamie said:

Everybody should read this regardless of position. A compassionate look into the lives of those directly affected, thank you for that.

February 19th, 2018 15:39

I only had to go to school
Michael Edwards said:

I don\'t understand what outback is trying to say but I for one am with you all the way - to us Brits it\'s sheer lunacy not to tackle gun ownership - per capita there are 300 gun deaths in the US compared to just one in the UK where we have strict gun control - a no-brainer. Super write.

February 19th, 2018 14:03