Comments received on poems by Olivia.

Ignorance is bliss
Tristan Robert Lange said:

There is nothing worse than feeling like one is not valued...whether by others or by oneself. Either way, this poem expresses that feeling so well. Great job Olivia! πŸŒΉπŸ‘

January 12th, 2025 11:56

Ignorance is bliss
Poetic Licence said:

Reflecting back on days that appear to have been happier, nicely written

January 12th, 2025 05:19

Ignorance is bliss
Cassie58 said:

This poem speaks to me of not feeling valued or noticed. Age can do that at times and make some reflect on youth and how they used to be. I hear you. Pleased to stop by this early morning Olivia. I enjoyed reading you.

January 12th, 2025 02:18

In the know
germanamericanchurch said:

New is good if it’s not a new terror - new house feel pretty great compared to a hobbit hole

March 30th, 2021 11:42

In the know
L. B. Mek said:

great depiction of that indefinable self assurance stemming from well nurtured self-efficacy, producing tangible results of realisable success..
a good read

March 30th, 2021 05:29

In the know
orchidee said:

Hopes so! Good write O.

March 30th, 2021 01:46

In the know
Goldfinch60 said:

So glad that change has come and all is fine with you - may it always be so.


March 30th, 2021 01:00

In the know
Doggerel Dave said:

So after \'Sick to Death\' it does appear that everything turned out well in the end........and you lived happily ever after?

March 29th, 2021 21:37

In the know
Noah Malice said:

it\'s very nice you\'re staying positive olivia, and refreshing to see something positive in the poetry here

March 29th, 2021 20:30

The depths of my soul
Garrett said:

\"An explosion of emotions flowing like a waterfall plummeting to the depths of my soul\"

Love this line!

March 20th, 2021 11:15

Sick to death
Garrett said:

Can really feel the emotions in this piece very inspiring. The ending on the line of title sick to death is an amazing way to tie things up. Raw, honest and heartfelt. I\'m also sick to death! Here\'s too a brighter future Olivia xx

March 20th, 2021 11:09

Change, a haiku
L. B. Mek said:

\'Que sera, sera\': indeed..
I like your modern twist on the haiku tradition,
especially the steps of progress in line placement, matching
the realised acceptance of your wording, progressive:
in every way

March 19th, 2021 05:32

Change, a haiku
Goldfinch60 said:

That new start will be filled with wonder.


March 19th, 2021 01:42

Sick to death
Brimelow said:

Love the passion Olivia.

\"Sick of Children thinking this is normal
Sick of seeing confusion in their eyes
Sick of them missing out\"

I\'m a teacher of 11-18 year olds, and every day I manage 1200 children wearing masks as they try and live a normal life, including 180+ eyes (but not mouths or noses) staring back at me in my own classroom. They are confused. They are hurting. However, in my experience, they are strong. They are brave. Their mouths may be masked, but their souls are not. They are missing out on some things, but gaining with respect to other things - I don\'t know how their lives will pan out, but I suspect the time spent in darkness will be outweighed by the time spent illuminated.

March 18th, 2021 15:46

Sick to death
L. B. Mek said:

but luckily: alive and well
to write such a fine lament of covid\'s collateral debris of consequence..
thanks for sharing,
sometimes simply reading the very words we aren\'t brave enough to state, is enough of a release
gifting us room enough, to endure a little longer..
that\'s what your words represent to me dear poet

March 18th, 2021 05:50

Sick to death
Goldfinch60 said:

So true but we must look forward to the life ahead where all will be well but will be different.


March 18th, 2021 01:44

Sick to death
Goddess of the Mist said:

Me too! Good poem, I can feel your emotions!

March 17th, 2021 19:19

Enjoying my own company
Charmetton said:

I love your poems. Poignant, Truthful, Beautiful and Inspiring.

March 12th, 2021 06:15

The depths of my soul
dusk arising said:

Good! lol now lets see them written here for our digestion.

March 10th, 2021 04:37

The depths of my soul
orchidee said:

Ahh, no writer\'s block just now then!

March 10th, 2021 03:21

The depths of my soul
Goldfinch60 said:

That explosion of emotions comes to us all and must be let out by writing words on the page.


March 10th, 2021 01:35

The depths of my soul
jarcher54 said:

An internal waterfall is a blessing. You made something palpable and moving for others out of it!

March 9th, 2021 23:31

The depths of my soul
Jerry Reynolds said:

Good write, Olivia.

March 9th, 2021 19:50

What mark will I make on the world
Goldfinch60 said:

Very good words Olivia, as Fred has said you have started leaving your mark on the world with your words.


March 7th, 2021 01:49

What mark will I make on the world
FredPeyer said:

Great poem, Olivia. That you will be making a mark, of that I am certain. You already started just by writing.

March 6th, 2021 10:59

Unconditional Love
orchidee said:

Good write O.

March 6th, 2021 02:49

Unconditional Love
Goldfinch60 said:

Good loving that I am sure will always be there with you and your niece.


March 6th, 2021 01:45

Unconditional Love
FredPeyer said:

Beautifully said, Olivia! I feel the same about my grand-kids. Oh, nearly forgot: my kids too!

March 5th, 2021 23:27

Unconditional Love
dusk arising said:

Lovely to have a centre to focus unconditional love isn\'t it. I have a few myself, especially my granddaughters.
The devils can still break your heart though

March 5th, 2021 16:49

Brick by brick
Caring dove said:

I like this ... the way you have expressed yourself β€œ brick by brick β€œ it works nicely πŸ™‚

March 5th, 2021 15:50

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