Comments received on poems by Thekkinkkattil

How Grandma Spoilt Her Son
Goldfinch60 said:

So true TKKKK, many chidren would not know how to look after themselves.


February 26th, 2023 02:13

SureshG said:

Your message hits me to the core, for I feel so helpless

November 25th, 2022 18:27

Thekkinkkattil said:

Thank you Mek

November 7th, 2022 09:21

L. B. Mek said:

wise words, thanks for sharing

November 7th, 2022 06:11

Road to Heaven
Doggerel Dave said:

I feel that for your own good you should shut up about your current situation - otherwise the whole world will want to join you ...LOL
Good \'un.

October 10th, 2022 19:48

Road to Heaven
Caring dove said:

Lovely poem 🙂

October 10th, 2022 14:08

Teacher’s Day
Thekkinkkattil said:

Yes Andy we never seem to forget our teachers especially the ones who taught us the 3 R s

September 6th, 2022 00:29

Teacher’s Day
Goldfinch60 said:

Fine words TKKKK, teachers can be priceless in what that teach taught us.


September 6th, 2022 00:22

Teacher’s Day
Thekkinkkattil said:

Thank you Suresh

September 5th, 2022 22:27

Teacher’s Day
SureshG said:

A noble profession on which the pillars of society rest.

September 5th, 2022 22:21

Teacher’s Day
Thekkinkkattil said:

Thank you shaa. We are what we are because of them

September 5th, 2022 20:55

Teacher’s Day
shaa said:

I love this. Thank you

September 5th, 2022 17:37

Teacher’s Day
Bella Shepard said:

Thank you for this celebration of some of our most unrecognized heroes. Too often underpaid and over worked, they are the core of our educational systems, around the world, and they are there because they love it. This is definitely a fav!

September 5th, 2022 13:38

My Little Brother
Thekkinkkattil said:

My grand children are of the same age. It\'s what I observe when they are with us. Thank you Bella

August 20th, 2022 11:05

My Little Brother
Bella Shepard said:

My daughter is three years older than my son, and what you\'ve penned is so relatable to when they were children. That adorable sleeping face erases all the frustrations, and we start each day anew. So well penned!

August 20th, 2022 10:50

My Little Brother
dusk arising said:

The term \'unconditional love\' so well expressed here.

August 20th, 2022 09:25

My Little Brother
arqios said:

As mom\'s of every era, age, culture and creed have said... \"angels when asleep!\"

August 20th, 2022 02:50

My Little Brother
Goldfinch60 said:

Seeing a child asleep is so loving tkkkk.


August 20th, 2022 01:28

Thekkinkkattil said:

Thankyou Neville. Sometimes we are confused .

July 19th, 2022 08:11

Neville said:

You pose and poem a difficult question .. all beautiful in their own write .. as indeed they most surely would also be if they came together and merged into one ....


July 19th, 2022 03:55

Thekkinkkattil said:

Thank you Andy. Missed you all

July 19th, 2022 02:54

Goldfinch60 said:

Beautiful words Tkkkk.


July 19th, 2022 01:18

Thekkinkkattil said:

Thank you Bella.

July 18th, 2022 19:00

Bella Shepard said:

A beautifully penned poem to colors, we are enchanted by them. Whether in their primary form, or an amalgamation, they evoke so many different emotions. You have captured the essence of color so well, so much enjoyed.

July 18th, 2022 13:05

“Save the Planet”
Thekkinkkattil said:

Thanks for the reminder and the compliment AP.

June 6th, 2022 06:34

“Save the Planet”
L. B. Mek said:

\'Would make the ‘Trade winds’ blow\'
(what a knowledgeable mind
with which you choose to weave
your poetry\'s, Brevity
and share with us, dear Poet)
between humanity\'s, fallible
\'trade winds\'
and those equator and tropical
our foreshadowed future\'s, fate
of Nature\'s weathered, restraint
is revealed, awaiting to be distilled
and forewarning, us all
of those consequences, in each
oil spill of indifference
and planted, seeds
of conscientiousness
that duality in our, fallible
(Wednesday 8th of June
is world ocean day, fyi)

June 6th, 2022 04:55

“Save the Planet”
Goldfinch60 said:

True words Githanjali, the world can be saved if only those in power do something about it instead of just making sure they are OK.


June 6th, 2022 00:44

Cars or Stars
Thekkinkkattil said:

Smoggy skies have become the norm in most of our cities throughout the world.To see the clear sky you have to visit remote places.

May 22nd, 2022 06:35

Cars or Stars
Thekkinkkattil said:

Andy we cannot stand against but to see the deterioration is a real heartburn

May 22nd, 2022 01:22

Cars or Stars
Goldfinch60 said:

Serious words TKKKK, we are losing so much because of our greed in this world.


May 22nd, 2022 00:32

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