Comments received on poems by Thekkinkkattil

Thekkinkkattil said:

Thank you Saxon. It\'s tedious but wondeful

November 11th, 2021 10:41

Saxon Crow said:

Sounds perfectly wonderful

November 11th, 2021 08:39

dusk arising said:

Family can mean so much, gathering together is such joy.

November 11th, 2021 07:43

In God’s Court
A.H. Browning said:

Powerful writing.

October 24th, 2021 09:18

In God’s Court
Thekkinkkattil said:

Thank you Teddy

October 23rd, 2021 11:11

In God’s Court
orchidee said:

We shall have such a day, though I suspect it will be US answering HIM.

October 22nd, 2021 02:27

In God’s Court
Goldfinch60 said:

That Spirit is within you and does not belong to any religious organisation.


October 22nd, 2021 01:09

In God’s Court
Thekkinkkattil said:

Thank you dusk. Sometimes when we see injustice around we feel that he is not always fair.Who else can we lodge our complaints to.

October 22nd, 2021 00:18

In God’s Court
dusk arising said:

God? Most religions load you with guilt while you are a child, so you\'re never an innocent. Rid yourself of religious burden and the guilt and trial will disappear.
All are born innocent until some religion or other tells us we are sinners.

October 22nd, 2021 00:14

Cob Webs
Goldfinch60 said:

Very true words TKKKK, many people are being trapped in the web that may eventually run our lives consistently.


October 7th, 2021 00:34

Cob Webs
Accidental Poet said:

I\'m not on Facebook either. Never got the urge to expose my private life for all the world to see, not that anyone would be interested anyway. But there needs to be some privacy in the world. Well penned KK. 👍

October 6th, 2021 05:27

Salute Our Soldiers
matthew jay said:

I agree we love our military. When I was in I was moved by how the poorest, are the first to volunteer for their country.

October 5th, 2021 14:17

Man Animal Conflict
Thekkinkkattil said:

Thank you Teddy.Now a days it is major problem especially in this part of the world

October 4th, 2021 03:27

Man Animal Conflict
Thekkinkkattil said:

its their world too but sometimes they seem to take over and cause much harassment to farmers. Thank you Robert

October 4th, 2021 02:28

Life’s Journey Ahead
Thekkinkkattil said:

Thank You AP Calm river always is too much to hope for but yet let us hope so

September 29th, 2021 01:01

Life’s Journey Ahead
Accidental Poet said:

Let the good ship \"Forever Love\" set sail on calm rivers. 😉

September 28th, 2021 19:00

Life’s Journey Ahead
Goldfinch60 said:

May your boat filled with love and care sail forever TKKKK.


September 28th, 2021 05:08

Poetic Site
Thekkinkkattil said:

Though i am not there everyday I have seen some of you regulars and the way you interact. You are my inspiration Andy. Thank you

September 23rd, 2021 08:32

Poetic Site
Goldfinch60 said:

May those friends always be there for you TKKKK as they are for us all.


September 23rd, 2021 00:48

Poetic Site
Thekkinkkattil said:

😍Thank you

September 23rd, 2021 00:29

Poetic Site
Accidental Poet said:

My Poetic Side, AKA Family 😉

September 22nd, 2021 18:57

Poetic Site
Caring dove said:

Lovely words ) really like it on here . People are so supportive and friendly

September 22nd, 2021 05:25

Poetic Site
orchidee said:

Good write T.

September 22nd, 2021 04:44

Poetic Site
Thekkinkkattil said:

Even I am not there everyday but I get a warm feeling when I see the regular members and their friendly interactions

September 22nd, 2021 04:34

Thekkinkkattil said:

Thank you Andy. happy to know you liked it

September 21st, 2021 02:19

Goldfinch60 said:

Good and true words TKKKK.


September 21st, 2021 00:57

Accidental Poet said:

Very well written Gitanjali 👍

September 20th, 2021 18:44

Neville said:

This is very good too .. and Darwin has got nothing on you ...... N :)

September 20th, 2021 11:30

Thekkinkkattil said:

Recent report. Thank you Dave

September 20th, 2021 06:45

Doggerel Dave said:

Survival of the most adapted.
Are humans the exception?
I had not realised transparency had become \'popular\' as a means of camouflage. Thanks.

September 20th, 2021 06:30

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