Comments received on poems by Escaped Raven
Rocky Lagou said:
Nice work! I felt this piece, many times depression can hide your true emotions from the world. I\'m currently going through a stage of recovery after losing my mother a few years back and I can personally say depression is a dark thing. I hope things will lighten in your future! 💖👍
February 4th, 2022 11:39
Rocky Lagou said:
Nice work! I felt this piece, many times depression can hide your true emotions from the world. I\'m currently going through a stage of recovery after losing my mother a few years back and I can personally say depression is a dark thing. I hope things will lighten in your future! 💖👍
February 4th, 2022 11:39
Battle field
Escaped Raven said:
thought I recorded me writing but apparently i didnt
October 24th, 2021 14:55
Escaped Raven said:
thought I recorded me writing but apparently i didnt
October 24th, 2021 14:55
That time has come
L. B. Mek said:
a surreal depiction, inducing us to traverse a unique reading experience..
I would just file this under that forgivingly \'all encompassing\' umbrella of \'surrealism\', and let it \'just be\'.. lol
an intriguing read, thanks for sharing
October 18th, 2021 03:58
L. B. Mek said:
a surreal depiction, inducing us to traverse a unique reading experience..
I would just file this under that forgivingly \'all encompassing\' umbrella of \'surrealism\', and let it \'just be\'.. lol
an intriguing read, thanks for sharing
October 18th, 2021 03:58
People change
L. B. Mek said:
yeah, I kinda get the relationship dynamic you\'re trying to portray,
for me I experienced this themes, late in my teens
when everyone around me was planning out their lives and future\'s,
where as I
was still busily immersed in trying to learn that next football trick,
we all develop
in our own way, in our time
and that\'s perfectly ok..
its just, we all wish we had someone around to tell us
that we\'re not odd, cos we don\'t fit-in with a certain crowd,
it just means we\'ve yet to find the Right, crowd..
thanks for sharing, such a thought provoking read
October 14th, 2021 04:06
L. B. Mek said:
yeah, I kinda get the relationship dynamic you\'re trying to portray,
for me I experienced this themes, late in my teens
when everyone around me was planning out their lives and future\'s,
where as I
was still busily immersed in trying to learn that next football trick,
we all develop
in our own way, in our time
and that\'s perfectly ok..
its just, we all wish we had someone around to tell us
that we\'re not odd, cos we don\'t fit-in with a certain crowd,
it just means we\'ve yet to find the Right, crowd..
thanks for sharing, such a thought provoking read
October 14th, 2021 04:06
DreamyDumpling said:
Loved the write .We can\'t choose to be broken or fixed and I liked how you mentioned it .Outgrowing some thoughts is sometimes better than to be stuck yet we still hope they\'ll be different.
October 12th, 2021 13:10
DreamyDumpling said:
Loved the write .We can\'t choose to be broken or fixed and I liked how you mentioned it .Outgrowing some thoughts is sometimes better than to be stuck yet we still hope they\'ll be different.
October 12th, 2021 13:10
Escaped Raven said:
i say \'monologue\' as it is one body but more than one \'identity\'
October 12th, 2021 12:58
Escaped Raven said:
i say \'monologue\' as it is one body but more than one \'identity\'
October 12th, 2021 12:58
They say
L. B. Mek said:
to contemplate, like the rest of us
find the answers for yourself, a space where \'They\' have no say
thanks for sharing
October 12th, 2021 03:57
L. B. Mek said:
to contemplate, like the rest of us
find the answers for yourself, a space where \'They\' have no say
thanks for sharing
October 12th, 2021 03:57
The Darkness
Paul Bell said:
Darkness and inner peace, they do go together. Fine piece.
October 10th, 2021 10:00
Paul Bell said:
Darkness and inner peace, they do go together. Fine piece.
October 10th, 2021 10:00