Comments received on poems by FallenAngel1🕊

Morning Dew Special
dusk arising said:

Yes yes yes please - even moreso yes now that it\'s so flippin cold here LOL.

April 3rd, 2022 14:15

Springtime femininity🌹
FallenAngel1🕊 said:

If there was ever a season that defines femininity,springtime would have to be it. In my humble opinion🌤🌈🌹🌸🦋🐣💐🌺🌼🌻🐿🕊🥂🌞

April 3rd, 2022 13:20

Springtime femininity🌹
sorenbarrett said:

Very feminine. An expression of exuberance and breaking free.

April 3rd, 2022 12:12

Another Stupid Thought From My Quirky Little Brain
FallenAngel1🕊 said:

Lol,maybe you can tap into some of the other 90% and let us know what’s happening 😂🤣😂👍🥂🕊

April 3rd, 2022 07:07

Another Stupid Thought From My Quirky Little Brain
spilleronsheet said:

Good one dear Fallenangel
Maybe a humour they may call
But I guess it’s food for thought to me

April 2nd, 2022 14:58

Springtime femininity🌹
dusk arising said:

Get out there and have some fun, sounds like you\'ve found the sun. Springtime, so refreshing.

April 2nd, 2022 11:17

Springtime femininity🌹
Bella Shepard said:

Pure feminine joy, Nailed it!

April 2nd, 2022 09:59

Another Stupid Thought From My Quirky Little Brain
orchidee said:

Oh yes, we know it well - you and I, at least. Your 3 brain cells come back from holiday - as mine have?! lol.

April 2nd, 2022 01:55

Another Stupid Thought From My Quirky Little Brain
ImperfectlyPerfect93 said:

This made me chuckle because I felt it.

April 1st, 2022 23:13

Another Stupid Thought From My Quirky Little Brain
Crowns4Christ said:

Hahahahaha, good one

April 1st, 2022 23:00

A Letter To God👤
Crowns4Christ said:

I can understand why you blame God,but the devil rules here and hell,he is the one to rightfully blame for all of the evil,and wickedness,yes,we all must suffer,we were born in sin, besides, Jesus paid the ultimate price, His life for ours, imagine, just close your eyes and imagine a world without God at all, what did you see,a place with no love, no beauty, nobody friendly EVER, just chaos and carnage everywhere you look,but Jesus is coming very soon to bring an end to Satan\'s rule and bring peace, love,hope back here forever,.
You obviously believe in God, really picture what life would look like without God

March 22nd, 2022 22:24

A Letter To God👤
FallenAngel1🕊 said:

I’m so sorry Sharon,this isn’t it . It is the very first poem on page 3. It’s titled “Ed The Head” I’d really like an opinion on it. Im a little worried about the beginning of it. I’m afraid some might find it a little insensitive.

March 22nd, 2022 21:40

A Letter To God👤
GenXer Shamrocker ☘️ said:

I found it. Wasn’t on page three though. Well written. Grief is not easy.

March 22nd, 2022 21:23

🔞Melting So Wonderfully🔞
FallenAngel1🕊 said:

Lol,I’m honoured and glad you enjoyed. Thanks so much for your time and wonderful comment🥂🌹🕊🌞

March 22nd, 2022 19:43

🔞Melting So Wonderfully🔞
GenXer Shamrocker ☘️ said:

What an exciting read😉

March 22nd, 2022 19:17

“If”By;R.K.(A tribute to Mothers with young sons)
L. B. Mek said:
(love them both!)

March 22nd, 2022 05:25

“If”By;R.K.(A tribute to Mothers with young sons)
FallenAngel1🕊 said:

No thank you’s please. It was my great pleasure.🥂🌞🌹🌹🌹🕊

March 21st, 2022 20:51

The heartache of long distance love
FallenAngel1🕊 said:

Thank you for your kind and supportive words. Much appreciated🥂🌹🕊🌞

March 19th, 2022 13:24

The heartache of long distance love
bellflower said:

Every word of yours is very true. Long distance love is painful but it too builds form bonds and longing to be together forever...well composed. Admirations.

March 19th, 2022 12:59

The heartache of long distance love
Crowns4Christ said:

I know exactly how you feel,my man and I are long distance,it is hard,but our union will be that much sweeter, I pray that you can unite soon

March 18th, 2022 16:42

The heartache of long distance love
FallenAngel1🕊 said:

Just realized the typo in my title to this poem,..although it is painful,it doesn’t cause me headaches😂

March 18th, 2022 15:58

The heartache of long distance love
Laura🌻 said:


It’s so true that a ‘long distance love’ is challenging. True love will prevail. I wish you all the best with your relationship.💞


March 18th, 2022 15:33

The heartache of long distance love
Caring dove said:

Not nice to be at distance from someone you love and care about ..

March 18th, 2022 15:24

sally said:

\" Her smile brings a smile to mine\" is definitely my favourite verse : ) bravo !

March 16th, 2022 15:32

kitty the naughty poet said:

Puff puff pass my friend lol 😆 🤣 😉

March 9th, 2022 11:43

L. B. Mek said:

for the poetry, all
for the poetry!
really like your light tone
but complete seriousness
\'hey I can take all the BS
in the world
but don\'t mess, with my access
to my poetic friends\'
I can so relate, dear poet
thanks for sharing

March 8th, 2022 04:46

orchidee said:

Ohh, read them poems again soon! Hope you will be able to. And for all the other things you use your phone for. :)

March 8th, 2022 03:00

Crowns4Christ said:

Definitely, should, it\'s miserable not having one,of course mine was just a flip phone,

March 7th, 2022 21:09

19 Years Ago Today
Rocky Lagou said:

Hey! As a person who has also lost their mother I just want to say that she will forever live on within you! Don\'t ever forget the love she showed you! Although it feels like this world is constantly conspiring against us, know that hope is our driving force which should always be followed. We must find light even in the darkest of places. “Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all\"

March 7th, 2022 09:27

19 Years Ago Today
Rozina said:

I will never forget the day my mother passed away. Thank you for sharing your story.

March 6th, 2022 18:19

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