Comments received on poems by ibrahimshai

A Stainless Steel Knife & The Importance of The Cerebellum : Stanza 5 & 6
L. B. Mek said:

\'The selectively permeable sponge
The masochistic empath
He who wanted happiness
But only taught himself pain
Blesser and supporter of others
Butcher and crucifier of thine self
Absorber of every insult and all trauma
Hermetically sealed off from joy and acknowledging progress
This has been my cycle
My loop
To the edge of insanity I’ve been
A more unsettling place than i have ever known
A more defeated person , my mirror has never shown\'

July 5th, 2022 03:58

A Stainless Steel Knife and The Importance of The Cerebellum : Stanza 4 & 5
L. B. Mek said:

\'But i refuse
It has no use
My reign of terror
Would bring no happy republic\'..
if only more of us
had access to temperance\'s wisdom, like
that you\'ve excavated from within
dear Poet!
(I read and learn)
thanks for sharing, such an empowering message

June 2nd, 2022 03:20

A Stainless Steel Knife and The Importance of The Cerebellum Stanza II & III
L. B. Mek said:

\'A fruitless expedition\'
not Fruitless!
if you Choose, to Utilise
your Art...
Heed your own wisdom, dear poet
excavate the veracity, imbued
within your syllables of intent!
grow, from your own poem
for introspection
is not only a window
to the \'who\' you were, or are
more importantly
it\'s an avenue, an oasis
to the \'who, you can, become!
Stay strong!
I wish you peace
and that grace
of self-empowering, appreciation
for this fleeting
quicksand, life
we\'re all journeying, defiantly
with every new breath
we Choose, to sip
(or ignore my over opinionated
and just do you! thanks for sharing)

May 12th, 2022 04:29