Comments received on poems by Blackstar

where do we go
peto said:

Did you get your name from Radiohead song?
1st read from you
Thought provoking to say the least
Hope the waking ceases being cursed

March 17th, 2022 06:03

where do we go
L. B. Mek said:

\'I ask again Alice\'
such gripping, dramatic expression
then modernity, sticks
its head out
and all that brooding seriousness
is but, voice commands
and ambitious end rhymes...
(I thought this was such a fun read!
but, I\'m sorry
if my interpretation
is in any way, offensive
I meant no disrespect)
thanks for sharing

March 17th, 2022 05:27

Blackstar said:

Thanks much aye.

March 11th, 2022 06:56

L. B. Mek said:

thanks for sharing
I thought this was well written
and really liked this stanza:
\'for i was forged into this
some statue crowned a lie
never knowing what was
what is and who am I\'

March 11th, 2022 05:29

The Great Deciever
Goldfinch60 said:

Such true words Blackstar, I used to have the chriistian faith but when my wife was taken from me by dementia that christian god was nowhere to be found so I dismissed it and felt a great weight lift from me.


March 8th, 2022 02:10

The Great Deciever
Rocky Lagou said:

Nicely expressed and as a person who\'s in the \"middle-ground\" of faith I can say this was well done. I have nothing against religion nor the belief in God but sometimes we have to reflect on what we\'re actually praising.

March 7th, 2022 11:57

Christina8 said:

A very thought provoking write. I see this is your first write on MPS....I hope you enjoy it here!

March 5th, 2022 18:31

Caring dove said:

An interesting engaging writing .. life certainly doesn’t make sense when it throws you such sadness and struggles ..

March 5th, 2022 06:59