Comments received on poems by RubyRae

Ruby\'s final poem
LMTobin said:

Rest In Peace Ruby.
Your poetry and your life has made an impact on the world.
I\'m so sorry fro your loss Emma.

May 11th, 2022 20:19

Ruby\'s final poem
bellflower said:

Rest in peace Ruby. I too wishes to know about her more.

May 11th, 2022 12:17

Ruby\'s final poem
Caring dove said:

Sorry for your loss . I didn’t know Emma personally .. such a young age . I’m sorry . Take care

May 11th, 2022 11:40

Ruby\'s final poem
DestinysPerspectives said:

Rest in peace Ruby. I wish we could have known each other longer but it wasn\'t in the cards. You will never be forgotten.

May 11th, 2022 11:33

Ruby\'s final poem
cbdave said:

RIP Ruby Rea it is a fitting tribute to you with something you loved to do. Now you will make poetry for our Lord. you will be missed by everyone who saw and read your poetry.

May 10th, 2022 23:15

Ruby\'s final poem
voices of ghosts said:

Rest in Peace young lady ✝️🕊
My condolences to her family & friends🙏
Thanks for sharing her last writing, I knew about Rubyrae because of her friends support here on this platform, Melissa & Dion, Blessings to you Emma & to the Crowns for the unconditional love given to Miss Rubyrae 💖

May 10th, 2022 15:09

Ruby\'s final poem
Natalia B. Odair said:

Love and prayers from all of us to you, Emma, and to everyone who knew her. I loved her poetry, and I\'m speechless at how this went down. It\'s so sad to lose someone, you\'re just in shock.
Thank you for sharing this Emma, it was a great way to remember her. We\'ll miss her here at MPS, one of the family is gone now. Love to you as you cope.
~Nat B.

May 10th, 2022 13:54

Ruby\'s final poem
Jerry Reynolds said:

A fine farewell, Emma.

May 10th, 2022 13:37

Ruby\'s final poem
Laura🌻 said:

Dear Emma,

This truly saddens me. My deepest sympathy for the loss of your friend. May she Rest In Peace.


May 10th, 2022 13:21

Ruby\'s final poem
Dahlia said:

RIP Rubyrae, fly high with the angels 🙏
My sincere condolences to you Mrs.Emma & to those that stayed with her in spirit during her earthly tribulations 🙏
May Glod Bless all of you!

May 10th, 2022 13:01

Ruby\'s final poem
Rocky Lagou said:

I\'m literally speechless right now. I remember scrolling through poems on this site a few months ago and always seeing her name pop up. I\'ll be honest, I never had the chance to read any of her poems or ever talk to her. But seeing this right now has truly made me realize just how delicate life is. I know other poets on this site who did have a close connection with her and they\'d publish poems dedicated to her unknown absence, all I can say is my heart goes out to all her family and loved ones. She was so young and so ready to flourish, however it be she passed away I have faith that she\'s okay now, as you mention, with her father. My condolences go out to you Emma, and know that life is always filled with light, even if it seems like you\'re surrounded by darkness. This final poem of hers truly goes to show the dazzling talent she had, may she rest in peace.

May 10th, 2022 12:50

Taking a stand
DestinysPerspectives said:

Hang in there Ruby! I know you can get through this! Keep your spine straight standing the tallest of all and shine the brightest light to blind the darkest of them all!

May 7th, 2022 18:02

Taking a stand
orchidee said:

Good write Ruby.

May 2nd, 2022 01:52

Taking a stand
dusk arising said:

Yes, be the true individual that you are.

May 2nd, 2022 01:12

Taking a stand
ForeverJesus7 said:

It is good to see your name back on MyPoeticSide RubyRae. Keep writing, and keep fighting the good fight of faith.
Persistence is key

May 2nd, 2022 00:49

What do I do?
Crowns4Christ said:

I\'m so proud of you Ruby,you know what the right thing to do is, and I know that you have the strength, I will give you mine also,you can do this Ruby, I believe in you

April 27th, 2022 17:15

What do I do?
Caring dove said:

Hi ruby sorry your struggling with how you feel . It’s not always easy to speak up and express ourselves and our truth .. i understand . Is there anyone who might be more trusting of what you say that you could talk to first ? Maybe you need someone by your side to help you . Take care

April 27th, 2022 15:51

L. B. Mek said:

I like your depiction of hopelessness
but realised, in the now
while battling, with intent
to survive
these poisonous, thoughts and feelings
like most of us, who only realise
faf, far to let
after we\'ve slipped, through
the cracks of demise..
and so, cursing ourselves
to waste our precious moments
of life
climbing, back up
to somewhere, where sunshine\'s
still exist
to offer, thoughts of warmth
in those darkest of lonesome
moonless nights..
(such a vivid portrait
thanks for sharing, dear poet)
stay strong, write bold!

April 25th, 2022 04:08

EmmaB said:

Everything will be ok Ruby, we will get through this x

April 24th, 2022 20:52

Crowns4Christ said:

Ruby,you are so strong,you have no idea how strong you are,you must keep fighting to defeat the devil,he wants to win and take you away from all who love you and God,we must be strong and fight together, can we do this together,

April 24th, 2022 19:37

Broken trust
Accidental Poet said:

Great write Ruby. They say what doesn\'t kill you, only makes you stronger. And what goes around comes around. So, whomever let you down is really hurting themselves. 😉

April 24th, 2022 09:04

Broken trust
orchidee said:

Good write Ruby. Keep safe!

April 23rd, 2022 12:47

Broken trust
DestinysPerspectives said:

I promise the pain won\'t last. Heal for yourself. Don\'t let your monster win. They wanted to break you because they feared your light. Get revenge by burning it brighter. I promise you the good karma you deserve will come. While their judgement will come. I was just like you before in a different way with a different story yet the same pain. I believe in you! You are a survivor and have beaten the odds because your here right now writing this. Do you think God saves people from the brink of death several times for everyone? No he only does for those who are meant for something greater. Find your purpose and use it to help others. Turn your pain into a force of light and power no one can EVER take away from you again.

April 23rd, 2022 12:45

Broken trust
Laura🌻 said:

Dear Ruby,

I, too, am very happy that you’re safe.🤗


April 23rd, 2022 11:50

Broken trust
Crowns4Christ said:

Oh Ruby, I\'m so glad that you\'re safe,

April 23rd, 2022 11:39

Caring dove said:

It seems that your struggling with how you feel .. maybe you should join a mental health forum .. I’m sorry you feel this way but maybe reach out to a therapist or something ?

April 18th, 2022 00:34

Crowns4Christ said:

Ruby call Dion,he can help you, pray with you please do this for me please let us help you, we\'re your family, and you can lean on us,

April 18th, 2022 00:08

ForeverJesus7 said:

Ruby you don\'t have to do this. Your not alone. Believe me. I have been in the same situation. I know it may seem that way, but you are not. There is someone who cares about you. There are people who care about you. Life is not all bad. If you ever want; you can call me at 954-736-7978.
We can talk about whatever you want, but please, there are people who love you. I know that these just sound like hollow words, but they are true.
You are my sister in Christ Jesus.
Call on the Lord, my friend.
Keep the faith.
Persistence is key

April 17th, 2022 23:52

EmmaB said:

Ruby, please message someone, let us know where you are. We had such a great chat this morning when I came and spoke to you. Your dad wouldn\'t want this, people do still care. You are not alone.

April 17th, 2022 23:35

Crowns4Christ said:

C\'mon Ruby let us help you please

April 17th, 2022 23:27

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