Comments received on poems by Harry

the room
k1rby said:

well that nearly made me cry
idk why tho maybe bc im high on sleep deprivation :P
or bc its so good lmao
i love the symbolism and the repetition of the colours is effective bc u haven\'t overdone it

sorry if that made no sense its nearly 2am here

June 29th, 2022 19:52

the room
Katie said:

I really like the complex emotions and simplicity to this peice. The repetition with the colours is really affective and sticks with you really well. the part about the lines on the person and the line \'a life too great a burden for the boy\' was fantastic and held so much emotion in such few lines. Thats so cool!!! Continuing, I love how the changed repetition conveys uncertainty, confusion and fear by the ghost? towards the boy. Over all, this is a really good poem, and with simple words tells so much.

June 8th, 2022 13:52

drop in the ocean
arqios said:

It\'s a constant nagging question. With 7B people on the planet at any given time, someone should care. And when we care, others become brave enough to show that they care. It can really be catching. Thanks for sharing.

June 8th, 2022 07:49

3 hours 14 minutes
dusk arising said:

The Titanic was RMS Titanic not HMS. HMS signifies a ship of the U.K. military. RMS denotes the ship carries Royal Mail.

June 7th, 2022 05:43