Comments received on poems by Sakwa Franc

He sets You Free
orchidee said:

Good write S.
I might be able to set this to a hymn tune, if you wish, though bit tricky with 5-line stanzas. Might be easier with an even-numbered line stanzas.

March 25th, 2023 03:27

He sets You Free
2781 said:


March 25th, 2023 03:25

A lost Generation
cerry said:


March 23rd, 2023 17:19

There is Still Hope
2781 said:


March 20th, 2023 08:02

Give Us A Break
Sakwa Franc said:

March 11th, 2023 08:36

Give Us A Break
2781 said:

The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! for they reward evil unto themselves.

March 11th, 2023 08:33

I will go Back
2781 said:

\"Vengeance is mine\" saith the Lord.

March 4th, 2023 09:43

Foolish Education.
Osei Zion said:

Great work.

March 4th, 2023 01:42

Foolish Education.
L. B. Mek said:

any dogma
that\'s \'intolerant\' of differences
is \'man\' made
a tool, to \'corral\' humanity towards
an ideology or belief
\'system\', designed to insure people
are bracketed
into manageable, herds
any of us creating, a faith
for our very own children
and yet, insuring
that very faith will instil, hate
within them
merely, because they differ
when their very difference
is caused by the genes and traits
we, gave them...
what absurdity!!
they wage crusade\'s and jihad\'s
\'in the name of their chosen deity\'
while killing
their deity\'s supposed children
who, would forgive
their child, for whatever reason?
are well to be Abraham\'s
sacrificing our child to a deity;
a deity
who would accept, such a sacrifice?
only the warping of a human, mind
can imagine such an impossibility
as a tool for justifying
the cyclical nature of division
to keep the masses, enslaved
under the guise of ideological
for their fellow brothers and sisters...)
an important write, dear Poet
if our dogma or ideology
cant withstand, our questions
it is not a judgement of our lacking
it is a crack, a weakness
to showcase
that the dogma we entrust
may not be as perfect
as we wish, it was
then it\'s our choice
to turn a blind eye and ignore
those glaring unanswered questions
to keep on walking, our path
of inquisitive
yearning, to find a truth
we can invest our hope within
a Truth, that engages with us
offers us glimpses, to our answers
instead of hiding behind
and entrenched in a blind, rabid zeal
a dogmatic, archaic wall
designed to keep our minds, encaged
and unknowingly, enslaved
this when our humility, serves us
we must, first
be open minded enough, to accept
we do not, Know
enough, to assume anything
as being, absolute
and anything
that asserts such a notion
must, be questioned!

March 3rd, 2023 04:49

In the Mind Of Great Architect
2781 said:


March 3rd, 2023 04:08

Foolish Education.
2781 said:

No fear for them, yet.

March 2nd, 2023 15:55

Foolish Education.
Bella Shepard said:

You give us much to ponder dear poet, the enigma of life. It is only by questioning that we summon the courage to find anwsers. Good write!

March 2nd, 2023 14:23

Those That Feed Africa
2781 said:

I certainly agree the rulers have a lot to answer for.

February 28th, 2023 07:03

A New Cigarette
L. B. Mek said:

(I like how you utilise cigarettes
as a starting trail
for all the addictive substances
and distractions
purposed, to hinder our modernity
strongly worded
an exasperated impassioned plea
for people to wake up..)
an important write, dear Poet

February 27th, 2023 03:57

Boys Don\'t Marry
L. B. Mek said:

A brave write, dear Poet
A Harrowingly grim, slice of life...
(and in a modernity, where girls
are inundated with the message
that everything male
is a monster, waiting to be revealed
that segregation
continues, to increase
and, more n more girls
are clueless, as to how to discern
between a boy and a \'Man\'..
and those opportunistic, fools
taking advantage of those defenceless
feeding their ego\'s, by hunting every night
for 3 min\'s of mindless gratification
I hope all the feminist\'s and woke
woman, realise
by sprouting hate against, all men
instead of advising and educating
and letting the these young girls
witness for themselves
and separate those dangerous, boys
from the nervous herd of men, in-waiting
they just make unnecessary preys
out of embattled girls)
not all men are shallow dogs
neither is every girl, a victim in waiting
are lucky to have friends, sisters and mothers
who teach them, who pass on
their know-how
so they can avoid repeating gyrational mistakes
our feelings, are such imposing
when we\'re too young to realise
their capacity
to silence, our natural amygdala alarms
and that logical perception, to notice
warning signs...
these is why , we respect
our mothers and grandmothers
heeding their wisdom
to save us, so much of life\'s
unnecessary growing pains..
I hope, we change and reverse the trend
recognise, their is more to life
that stats and googled facts...

February 24th, 2023 04:41

Boys Don\'t Marry
Addy said:

Its...unique. I feel for amara, but i think you used her name a bit too much

February 23rd, 2023 09:19

The Cry That Will Judge
2781 said:

But though he cause grief, yet will he have compassion according to the multitude of his mercies.

February 20th, 2023 07:45

The Cry That Will Judge
L. B. Mek said:

\'Rusty blades devour young girls\'
for those that realise
the pure Horror of these words
that in 2023 modernity, such
despicably barbaric inhumanity
is still being enforced
on young defenceless
can only fuel our rage
at existence\'s depthless pits
of injustice...
(great write, dear Poet
it\'s so important
that we utilise our art
to scream loud
on behalf of those
who\'ve had their volition
horror, stunned
into subservient dissonance)

February 20th, 2023 05:30

Pages That Heals
L. B. Mek said:

devoid of any theological alignment
I still celebrate your eloquence
and appreciate, how well this is written
such a talent!
thanks for sharing, dear Poet

February 20th, 2023 04:25

Graves In the Churches.
2781 said:

But do ye not after their works: for they say, and do not.\"

February 19th, 2023 17:04

Graves In the Churches.
Bella Shepard said:

My dear friend you speak of the dilemna of religion. For my part I think of Christianity as following the teachings of Jesus, a state of mind and heart. The sadness is that it was turned into an institution, and too often a for-profit business. I was baptized in the Catholic Church and conformed to that religion for the better part of 40 years, but I have found my own path in later years, that is true to me, and I practice it because of what I feel in my heart is right, not because I was indoctrinated. The very thing that should give comfort and bring us together is truly tearing us apart, and I understand your disillusionment. God bless you dear poet and keep you strong.

February 19th, 2023 14:07

Black Skin is Not A disease
Chris Duffy said:

Fantastic message about being proud of you and your heritage and ethnicity . Liked it a lot .

February 17th, 2023 09:27

Iron Mask
L. B. Mek said:

motherland, heed our tears
mother tongue, hear our pleas
red sands, mass graves
abandoned heart\'s and smiles
in children\'s eyes
Sun rises, bakes our future\'s
dust in our eyes
there is little we aspire towards
blanket hope\'s
dreamless sleep, never a full
we traverse life, reaching
for a glimpse
of justice, for a shard of possibility
untainted by greed
motherland, heed our tears
mother tongue, hear our pleas

February 17th, 2023 05:45

A small Sin
thinkerbell said:

I hope that we shall all rise from the shadows of sins and shine in the light of the Almighty God😇

February 15th, 2023 09:11

Teacher Don\'t Poison My Mind
2781 said:

A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone who is perfectly trained will be like his teacher.

February 12th, 2023 04:57

In the heart of Black people
2781 said:

Behold, it is written before me: I will not keep silence, but will recompense, even recompense into their bosom,

February 12th, 2023 04:48

Black Skin is Not A disease
2781 said:

Judge me by my color, judge me by my skin? Don\'t you know we\'re all the same. Scattered in the wind.

February 12th, 2023 04:39

When will I Exist?
2781 said:

Good one.

February 12th, 2023 04:17

God Is Not for Sale
2781 said:

\"Which say, Stand by thyself, come not near me; for I am holier than thou. These are a smoke in my nose, a fire that burns all the day.\"

February 12th, 2023 04:13

Am Deeply Concerned About Black Land
2781 said:

Something tells me your into something good.

February 12th, 2023 04:04

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