Comments received on poems by Mwalimu Wuod Mwalimu

Famine In Kanowa
Mwalimu Wuod Mwalimu said:

July 28th, 2023 14:12

Voices Of Broken Pieces
L. B. Mek said:

all we can do
is mourn, pray, learn
and hope
and, hope
since our anger and striving for justice
only lead to more suffering
and funerals for the innocent..
thanks for sharing, brother
keep writing, keep voicing
your pain
but do not seek an eye for an eye
let your very breath, become your fight
your every memory of those
you\'ve lost, define your bravery
for you see
once we\'re no longer
part of the living, all those
we remember and keep alive
in our memory\'s, die
their second death
so above all else, we must
first and always
cherish, life!

July 24th, 2023 03:56

Plea For Change
David Wakeling said:

I hope things improve in Kenya.Sadly God doesn\'t care

July 17th, 2023 17:15

Introverted Sage said:

I enjoy your writing.
Highly relatable.
Nice work!

🪶Happy writing

July 14th, 2023 22:02

Round Of Streets, Kenya
Mwalimu Wuod Mwalimu said:

July 14th, 2023 14:10

Round Of Streets, Kenya
Mwalimu Wuod Mwalimu said:

It\'s so sad

July 14th, 2023 14:09

I\'m mad
Mwalimu Wuod Mwalimu said:

July 11th, 2023 03:01

Mwalimu Wuod Mwalimu said:

A strong sense of emotional distance and a lack of direction in life. A stage at which you have lost the ability to feel, care and find purpose in life. Disconnection between your own emotions and how you come across to others. It\'s not that you don\'t care; rather, it\'s that you lack the capacity to care.

July 7th, 2023 11:33

A Good Girl
Aradhya said:

this just prove we cannot make everyone happy instead we should learn to be happy by staying true to our conscience. that we shouldn\'t follow blindly. you have beautifully expressed such a meaningful concept dear poet!

July 3rd, 2023 11:10

A Good Girl
Mwalimu Wuod Mwalimu said:

Words from my fiancee, as she morphed and moiled in the melted dilemmas of souls

July 3rd, 2023 09:40

Song of Jahera
2781 said:

That must be wonderful.

June 30th, 2023 06:54

Holding on to Hope
Mwalimu Wuod Mwalimu said:

Campus dating is like burning a car tyre in a vacuum to drive away the mosquito. Tears are sweet

June 21st, 2023 01:23

Shadows And Lights
2781 said:

And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

June 14th, 2023 01:56

Eternal Anchors
L. B. Mek said:

\'They linger in seasons of moderate strife,
But when adversity looms, they seek respite,
They live alone with a heavy heart.
In the garden\'s centre,
And among this transient parade
Left and right, only one in a million of millions,
Emerge the root oak, profound and true,
Unseen by many, but oh, how they value the infirmed.\'

June 12th, 2023 03:39

At her one and ten
B.E.Poet said:

Thnx for writing this. I went through the same thing, i was 6 almost 7 when it happened to me, and it went on for years until the person died, Thnx

May 15th, 2023 21:23

The Dawn Of A New Day
L. B. Mek said:

\'So let us tend the garden with devotion,

Planting seeds with nurturing emotion,\'
(I feel Voltaire would agree)
thanks for sharing
(oh and please ignore \'critique\'
asking you \'to explain\'
metaphors, in a poem...
that\'s juts the level of their ignorance!
do you
let no one dictate your path)

May 12th, 2023 04:08

The Dawn Of A New Day
David Wakeling said:

This is quite good.It suffers one major fault however.While the metaphors are good they are not explained and so drown the meaning.That\'s a shame because there is real talent here

May 11th, 2023 17:11

Buried Hopes Unearthed
B.E.Poet said:

You\'re welcome.

May 9th, 2023 17:12

Buried Hopes Unearthed
B.E.Poet said:

i like it nice

May 9th, 2023 16:59