Comments received on poems by Thomas W Case

That\'s Entertainment
Teddy.15 said:

Gambling the devils game. 🌹 Brilliant.

July 9th, 2024 03:04

I\'ll Be Home
Neville said:

In my humble opinion you don\'t have a best .. they just keep getting better and better .. and I do mean that ..

July 9th, 2024 03:00

Guess the Fruit
Neville said:

extraordinarily fruity in my opinion .. I\'m gonna go try it with vegetables .. I\'ve got my eye on a nice looking Swede at the moment .. All joking aside, this is so very very good sir T .. Neville

July 9th, 2024 02:55

That\'s Entertainment
Tom Dylan said:

Another belter, mate. Works on so many levels. And has a Hunter S Thompson feel to it too. Love it.

July 9th, 2024 02:35

That\'s Entertainment
orchidee said:

It\'s ghoulish, especially in medieval days. Would we actually stay to see one hanged - and even chopped up?! It\'s ghastly.
Yes, it\'s said of the story of the prodigal son - it was all good news, except for the fatted calf. Doh!

July 9th, 2024 01:43

That\'s Entertainment
Goldfinch60 said:

Good write Thomas.


July 9th, 2024 01:22

Raw and Cold
Tom Dylan said:

A powerful poem, mate. Some wonderful imagery too. A great write. Cheers, Tom.

July 8th, 2024 09:10

Raw and Cold
Teddy.15 said:

All I hear is deep remorse, you know dear Thomas, we wouldn\'t be able to write without all the life\'s ugly material given to us, we have to use it and grow from it which I truly believe is why your poetry is so sublime, don\'t beat yourself up, life has no rules we learn from experience we cannot turn back the clock so what is important is to fix what haunts us and look forward to the brand new day in front of us. 🌹 This is an absolutely stunning poem.

July 8th, 2024 03:22

Raw and Cold
orchidee said:

Good write T.

July 8th, 2024 01:37

Raw and Cold
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Thomas.


July 8th, 2024 01:22

Raw and Cold
sorenbarrett said:

Great images in this poem that cuts deep in its rawness.

July 7th, 2024 17:04

In Lieu of Flowers
aDarkerMind said:

good one Thomas...
enjoyed every word.

July 7th, 2024 07:08

In Lieu of Flowers
miLITAtion said:

Words cut deep, but I can tell they were cut with a lens of experience. Truly beautiful.

July 7th, 2024 03:00

In Lieu of Flowers
Goldfinch60 said:

May that love grow forever Thomas.


July 6th, 2024 01:42

In Lieu of Flowers
David Wakeling said:

This is absolutely beautiful.You are a true Poet mi amigo

July 5th, 2024 22:21

In Lieu of Flowers
Doggerel Dave said:

I\'m very selective when it comes to love poetry....that one passes muster.
Smooth satisfying enjoyment here.

July 5th, 2024 17:57

In Lieu of Flowers
Teddy.15 said:

Consider me a water hose , I\'m gushing here you romantic poet you! 💦
Stunning. 🌹

July 5th, 2024 17:00

In Lieu of Flowers
MendedFences27 said:

Let love flower. A poem of simile. You as a flower, in need of watery love. Well spoken, and a clever image. \"Eyes full of heat and desire,\" every man\'s dream. I really liked this one. - Phil A.

July 5th, 2024 15:41

Into the Dark
Parisab said:

Check out my poem after months-filled with similar sentiment …be well

July 4th, 2024 16:34

Into the Dark
sorenbarrett said:

Well if sex and chocolate won\'t save you now there is no hope. Good write Thomas

July 4th, 2024 14:59

Into the Dark
Cassie58 said:

Rock bottom. Only way is up now. Great write Thomas.

July 3rd, 2024 11:47

Into the Dark
orchidee said:

Chocolate might save me, but sex will make me swoon! lol. It\'s me sheltered life, you see.

July 3rd, 2024 02:01

Into the Dark
Teddy.15 said:

In so few words you have described so very beautifully the desperation we all can sometimes feel. Beautifully done 🌹

July 3rd, 2024 01:17

3rd Time Down
Neilton said:

I had it 2 times ,its the worst .I lost my taste in food for 2 years .Amazing work ,i hope you are doing better

July 2nd, 2024 08:25

I\'ll Be Home
Neilton said:

such a beautiful poem ! Very relatable i admit

July 2nd, 2024 08:00

Neilton said:

The message you convey with this poem is very powerful! Animals ,people suffer every day yet noone seems bothered by that .Very sad.I loved your poem Thomas.

July 2nd, 2024 07:54

sorenbarrett said:

Most people are basically narcissistic, self centered, oblivious to what is around them, caught in habits and personal crisis. Most just don\'t give a shit. Unfortunately that is why we are where we are. A very pensive write.

July 2nd, 2024 07:05

Teddy.15 said:

Extremely powerful and gives your reader much to reflect on and as a fellow writer I would say it\'s because of all the things you have indeed mentioned that we carry on we have that will, call it what you like but where would we be if it was all too boring? Every human has a story and the world revolves on that simple fact. Brilliant dear Poet. 🌹

July 2nd, 2024 05:25

Tom Dylan said:

A powerful poem, mate. Really packs a punch.

July 2nd, 2024 02:04

Doggerel Dave said:

The rhythm of life? Just one damn thing after another.......

July 2nd, 2024 01:57

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