Comments received on poems by Fanita530

A scroll of paper
Doggerel Dave said:

you prompted me to look - You have a firm grasp of what is going on in the real world. You have my every sympathy. It is harder now than it has ever been to make your way in this world if you did not choose a wealthy family to be a part of!!!

August 29th, 2024 07:04

The balance of Faith
Doggerel Dave said:

I enjoyed the structure, rhythm and rhyme very much, including the argument within.
With respect to that argument:
- Faith and the institutions supporting can be different and occasionally corrupt.
- With science the theory/method can be pure, the humans involved, as with the above, sometimes less so.
- Religion asks ‘why?’
- Science asks ‘how?’
For the record, I’m an atheistic agnostic, should you want to ask.

August 28th, 2024 20:03

The balance of Faith
orchidee said:

I prefer to call it \'Christianity\', \'faith\', or \'belief\' rather than \'religion.
I think religion is the cause of some problems.
We could say, in one sense, e.g. \'He religiously goes to football matches\' in that he goes every week, never misses a match, etc.

August 28th, 2024 01:34

Faded love
Thoughtless said:

So, you were ghosted. Is this fiction or experience? Based on reality but hyperbole? Interesting thoughts.

August 27th, 2024 10:38

A Soul\'s Quite Struggle
sorenbarrett said:

Superbly written in good rhyme and a most wonderful flow. The message is a good one and it leaves me the reader with a glow and smile.

August 26th, 2024 08:56

The Unseen Ladder
sorenbarrett said:

Unfortunately nepotism is the rule in most all societies. That is why people go to Harvard, Yale and Oxford. A lovely write in such good verse and rhythm Loved it

August 17th, 2024 07:15

Dim light
sorenbarrett said:

Some great lines accompanied by great rhyme and rhythm in this poem of lost love. Nicely done

August 12th, 2024 06:03