Comments received on poems by Sebastian.

Little Lamb
arqios said:

Welcome to MPS! Poetry indeed is a freeing experience, which leads to healing. Thanks for sharing.

December 12th, 2024 02:25

Little Lamb
Tony36 said:

Welcome, love the poem

December 11th, 2024 15:04

Little Lamb
TobaniNataiella said:

A very powerful and emotional poem which i totally understand, written with emotion but an underlying courage that will eventually get you through your healing journey, thank you

December 11th, 2024 09:25

Little Lamb
Tristan Robert Lange said:

First, welcome to MyPoeticSide! 👋 Second, a powerful poem that speaks of deep trauma and coming to terms with truth and consequences. The idea of gluing the cracked pieces together reminds me of kintsugi, which is the Japanese art form of gluing (with a gold like paint) broken dishes together. It\'s beautiful...but you can very much still see the brokenness. The brokenness lends itself to the beauty of the whole piece...but the brokenness is still very much evident. It can\'t be hidden. Anyway. This poem is very wonderfully penned. I am sorry for the trauma you have endured...but your poetry is excellent and will speak volumes to people going through similar things. I look forward to reading more of you. 🌹🙏

December 11th, 2024 08:37