Comments received on poems by sickmind666

WriteBeLight said:

I feel the struggle you face in your words. This poem relates to all with habits they want to overcome, but sometimes can not. Thanks for the writing!

October 17th, 2016 06:19

Spider In The Bathroom

WOW - Great poem - expressing how we all feel about SPIDER IN THE BATHROOM ! I too like SPIDERS (and webs especially) but NOT when I'm performing my ablutions ! How do they get in ? Spiders are precious and I never kill them. I collect them (in a glass) and release them outside. People who kill spiders are mindless vandals ! BRIAN

May 17th, 2016 06:11

30 minutes
Catherine Houston said:

Thank you... After reading your poem... I decided to take a second look and raise my head up once again... Keep writing...

May 16th, 2016 14:12

Elusive Shadows
PerpetualFlowers said:

This was great, I look forward to seeing other pieces similar to this one!

April 8th, 2016 20:45