Comments received on poems by Tony36

These Hands
Tony36 said:

Thank you

August 13th, 2016 18:04

These Hands
notapoet said:

I really enjoyed this piece very much, great write!

August 13th, 2016 14:39

These Hands

Thanks Tony HANDS ~ Hard ~ Arduous ~ Nestling ~ Desirable ~ Sensuous. Hands are very versatile and in my experience are all we ever wish or need them to be ! Thanks for sharing ~ great poem BRIAN

August 13th, 2016 07:56

These Hands
willyweed said:

these hands of my are clapping!
well done Tony. ww

August 13th, 2016 07:29

To Sleep 2
So So Bad Official said:

Great job.. :)

August 12th, 2016 23:33

The Luchboxes
rrodriguez said:

This is really nice. I enjoyed it and it gave me nostalgia.

August 12th, 2016 21:47

The Luchboxes
willyweed said:

never had a lunch box but I did enjoy this write

August 12th, 2016 12:27

The Luchboxes
Tony36 said:


August 12th, 2016 11:14

The Luchboxes

THANKS TONY ~ My old Lunch Boxes and Brief Cases etc carry many memories and I recycle their use every year but would never ever throw them away ! Thanks for lovely poem ~ Memories are made of this ! BRIAN

August 12th, 2016 10:39

To Sleep 2
Tony36 said:

Thank you

August 11th, 2016 10:24

To Sleep 2
willyweed said:

Sleep we spend half our time doing it
and dreams are a gateway to the astral plain. nice message. ww

August 11th, 2016 09:23

To Sleep 2

As one growa older TONY ones dreams are more real than day by day LIFE ! Thanks for sharing. Thanks also for your POEM on my Fusion "MY FAVORITE ANIMAL" Yours BRIAN

August 11th, 2016 08:22

One Beat
Tony36 said:

Thank you

August 10th, 2016 12:24

One Beat

Thanks for sharing TONY ~ One Lord ~ One Faith ~ One Baptism ~ One Universal Church ~ One Godhead in Three Persons ~ Father ~ Son ~ Holy Spirit ~ ONE BEAT leading us straight to the MERCY SEAT ~ Amen ~ BRIAN

August 10th, 2016 09:29

One Beat
willyweed said:

Nice ONE tony. ww

August 10th, 2016 08:29

The Captive
Tony36 said:

Thank you

August 9th, 2016 17:24

The Captive

Thanks TONY ~ It always puts me to shame when Brits are tortured when captured but have the courage (and Faith) not to reveal information or denounce their beloved country. Thanks for caring. I have another BIRD FUSION (MY FAVORITE BIRD II) if you have another BIRD ! BRIAN

August 9th, 2016 09:49

The Captive
rrodriguez said:

This is the plot of a suspense novel. A short story novel about an American diplomat in Kabul captive by the Taliban. Interesting take on this poem. You have imagination and a sense of direction in your writing.

August 9th, 2016 06:50

Young Slave
willyweed said:

you poem is very sad, but very true
I agree with Brian we should be ashamed
of our selves that this is still happening. ww

August 8th, 2016 08:28

Young Slave

Thanks TONY ~ A very moving poem ~ lovely structure ~ dreadful subject ! When one reads about child slavery and consequent child abuse it makes one ashame to be a Member ofthe Human Race. We all have a lot to answer for ~ Thanks for caring ~ Yours BRIAN

August 8th, 2016 07:29

My Lord
willyweed said:

very good job with this expression of love for the Lord. ww

August 7th, 2016 20:48

My Lord

THANKS TONY ~ What a Friend we have in Jesus ~ All our sins and griefs to bear ~ What a privilege to carry ~ Everything to GOD in Prayer ~ AMEN BRIAN

August 7th, 2016 10:41

My Lord
rrodriguez said:

Beautiful expression of gratitude. Scour through the poem and make some corrections.

August 7th, 2016 08:02

willyweed said:

This is deep and powerful great work here Tony Bravo my friend ww

August 6th, 2016 22:08

Tony36 said:

Thank you

August 6th, 2016 21:10

Dandylion said:

pretty intense poem and I loved the imagery

August 6th, 2016 14:27

Tony36 said:


August 6th, 2016 13:52


Thanks for sharing TONY ~ Great poem ~ great message ! The moral is "Do unto others as you would be done by !" Thanks for caring ~ BEIAN

August 6th, 2016 10:02

The Treehouse
Tony36 said:

Like I said, my friends and I made a lot of plans

August 5th, 2016 17:53

The Treehouse

THANKS TONY ~ There are treehouses and treehouses ~ but I never did see one with a hot tub ! I asked my friend KEN who is a professional Treehouse Constructor ! He said tell Tony he's confusing a Treehouse with a House in a Tree ~ OK ~ Thank for sharing BRIAN

August 5th, 2016 13:52

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