Comments received on poems by Tony36
A Dozen Roses
WOW TONY ! You are an Old Romantic ! Whatever else I give my \"Lover\" on Valentines Day ~ she always gets ONE DOZEN RED ROSES ! Thanks for caring ~ BRIAN ~ What about choosing a PRESIDENT in my Fusion Poem ? Thanks B
February 9th, 2017 11:49
WOW TONY ! You are an Old Romantic ! Whatever else I give my \"Lover\" on Valentines Day ~ she always gets ONE DOZEN RED ROSES ! Thanks for caring ~ BRIAN ~ What about choosing a PRESIDENT in my Fusion Poem ? Thanks B
February 9th, 2017 11:49
A Dozen Roses
WriteBeLight said:
Beautiful message Tony and very timely given Valentines Day is next week!
February 9th, 2017 08:41
WriteBeLight said:
Beautiful message Tony and very timely given Valentines Day is next week!
February 9th, 2017 08:41
woman 2
Thanks TONY ~ Most Men only look on the outer things Face & Fashion ~ Breasts & Bum etc ~ But GOD exhorts us to look at the Mind & Spirit as well as the body ! A LASS with CLASS is worth two as hard and blingy as BRASS ! ~ BRIAN
February 8th, 2017 12:54
Thanks TONY ~ Most Men only look on the outer things Face & Fashion ~ Breasts & Bum etc ~ But GOD exhorts us to look at the Mind & Spirit as well as the body ! A LASS with CLASS is worth two as hard and blingy as BRASS ! ~ BRIAN
February 8th, 2017 12:54
Awesome Love
Corey said:
Tony, I enjoyed the love in faith that flowed from each line. It felt wonderful reading this! Thank you!
February 7th, 2017 23:29
Corey said:
Tony, I enjoyed the love in faith that flowed from each line. It felt wonderful reading this! Thank you!
February 7th, 2017 23:29
Awesome Love
P.H.Rose said:
This is so very good Tony.
Well done sir, well done !!!
February 7th, 2017 15:35
P.H.Rose said:
This is so very good Tony.
Well done sir, well done !!!
February 7th, 2017 15:35
Awesome Love
kevin browne said:
Ste by step, day by day and with love you\'ll find a way..nice words Tony36.
February 7th, 2017 13:00
kevin browne said:
Ste by step, day by day and with love you\'ll find a way..nice words Tony36.
February 7th, 2017 13:00
This Stone
Corey said:
Hi Tony, A broken heart is a terrible ordeal, as your words so perfectly convey. Great work!
February 6th, 2017 19:30
Corey said:
Hi Tony, A broken heart is a terrible ordeal, as your words so perfectly convey. Great work!
February 6th, 2017 19:30
This Stone
MendedFences27 said:
Ah, Love upon the sacrificial stone. A heart torn apart, coping through poetic expression, and we non-suffering readers are the ones are rewarded. Great poem. _ Phil A.
February 6th, 2017 15:41
MendedFences27 said:
Ah, Love upon the sacrificial stone. A heart torn apart, coping through poetic expression, and we non-suffering readers are the ones are rewarded. Great poem. _ Phil A.
February 6th, 2017 15:41
This Stone
Christina8 said:
Very good Tony! A very deep poem. I liked it very much.--Christina
February 6th, 2017 14:09
Christina8 said:
Very good Tony! A very deep poem. I liked it very much.--Christina
February 6th, 2017 14:09
This Stone
YES TONY ~ When we are depressed ROCKS & STONES do appear in our dreams places of isolation and desolation. Thanks for caring & sharing ~ BRIAN Please add a PRESIDENT to my new fusion ~ Thanks B
February 6th, 2017 09:47
YES TONY ~ When we are depressed ROCKS & STONES do appear in our dreams places of isolation and desolation. Thanks for caring & sharing ~ BRIAN Please add a PRESIDENT to my new fusion ~ Thanks B
February 6th, 2017 09:47
mammyo3 said:
its so true, we make them grow up to fast and children should be allowed to be just that.
February 4th, 2017 17:46
mammyo3 said:
its so true, we make them grow up to fast and children should be allowed to be just that.
February 4th, 2017 17:46
Michael Edwards said:
Never done a bet in my life, I must be so boring, but I recognise the troubles it causes and this summarises it so well
February 4th, 2017 13:29
Michael Edwards said:
Never done a bet in my life, I must be so boring, but I recognise the troubles it causes and this summarises it so well
February 4th, 2017 13:29
Thanks for the warning TONY ~ Thank GOD I have never gambled but Friends who do are really hooked ~ it is as addictive as drugs. The only advantage is ~ it kills you much more slowly ! Yours BRIAN
February 4th, 2017 09:40
Thanks for the warning TONY ~ Thank GOD I have never gambled but Friends who do are really hooked ~ it is as addictive as drugs. The only advantage is ~ it kills you much more slowly ! Yours BRIAN
February 4th, 2017 09:40
Very true TONY and the Good Book reminds us that \"Unless we become like Little Children\" we shall not inherit the Kingdom of God ~ AMEN ~ BRIAN
February 3rd, 2017 18:06
Very true TONY and the Good Book reminds us that \"Unless we become like Little Children\" we shall not inherit the Kingdom of God ~ AMEN ~ BRIAN
February 3rd, 2017 18:06
MendedFences27 said:
Oh, that it could only remain. Children are born as people should be in adulthood. It\'s too bad they have to grow up. Maybe as poets we can bring more understanding into the world. - Phil A.
February 3rd, 2017 15:25
MendedFences27 said:
Oh, that it could only remain. Children are born as people should be in adulthood. It\'s too bad they have to grow up. Maybe as poets we can bring more understanding into the world. - Phil A.
February 3rd, 2017 15:25
Shona Loya said:
Please let the childhOOd last, Don\'t grow Up It\'s a Trap. I love tis poem @Tony36 good work bro
February 3rd, 2017 08:53
Shona Loya said:
Please let the childhOOd last, Don\'t grow Up It\'s a Trap. I love tis poem @Tony36 good work bro
February 3rd, 2017 08:53
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