Comments received on poems by EmmaR1

Light, Angels, & Wings
Oneyedtoad said:

This is great work Emma, it reads naturally and also relays your message in a musical way. Very well written.

November 10th, 2016 23:04

Light, Angels, & Wings
Tony36 said:

Awesome Awesome Awesome write

November 10th, 2016 20:18


WELCOME EMMA ~ Thanks for your first poem it is an epic ! Your poem has tremendous rhythm (I did read it all) which befits the subject. Life is a matter of ups and downs and ins and outs ~ who we are and how people perceive us. We have to build WALLS to keep ourselves in and to keep out undesirable issues. I love the positivism in the final five lines ! And as life goes on ~ And pushes me hard ~ I will jump in the fire ~ And fight ~ My wings growing larger all the while ! Thanks for caring and sharing ~ Thinking of you ~ Yours BRIAN.

November 8th, 2016 17:25

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