Comments received on poems by joymnelson14
My life in a poem.
Goldfinch60 said:
Good emotive write. Your friend is still with you and always will be and will want to see you come out of the sadness, go forward with hope and all will be fine.
April 5th, 2017 01:24
Goldfinch60 said:
Good emotive write. Your friend is still with you and always will be and will want to see you come out of the sadness, go forward with hope and all will be fine.
April 5th, 2017 01:24
My life in a poem.
poetboy123 said:
Nice poem, and even though it is easy to tell yourself to be strong, I understand that it isn\'t always the case.
April 4th, 2017 20:22
poetboy123 said:
Nice poem, and even though it is easy to tell yourself to be strong, I understand that it isn\'t always the case.
April 4th, 2017 20:22
My life in a poem.
WELCOME JOY (LOVELY NAME) Thanks (despite the inner pain) for sharing your first poem ~ it was very very brave. I am sure you found it cathartic to share. When we are growing up life is never ever easy and losing Friends & Family just make life more miserable. MPS is a very empathetic site and most of us have been where you are today ~ wishing we were dead ~ but somehow surviving ~ because there was generally someone whose shoulder we could cry one ~ someone to give us a HUG. Thanks for sharing ! Thinking of you ~ praying for you and A BIG HUG ~ Yours BRIAN (UK)
April 4th, 2017 17:21
WELCOME JOY (LOVELY NAME) Thanks (despite the inner pain) for sharing your first poem ~ it was very very brave. I am sure you found it cathartic to share. When we are growing up life is never ever easy and losing Friends & Family just make life more miserable. MPS is a very empathetic site and most of us have been where you are today ~ wishing we were dead ~ but somehow surviving ~ because there was generally someone whose shoulder we could cry one ~ someone to give us a HUG. Thanks for sharing ! Thinking of you ~ praying for you and A BIG HUG ~ Yours BRIAN (UK)
April 4th, 2017 17:21
My life in a poem.
Jooles said:
Sorry your having a really bad day and the thousands of emotions a day like that czn bring. I just wrote in a poem...its a big ass world and your not alone. Easy to write but not always easy to remember. Hope you got your hug x
April 4th, 2017 16:39
Jooles said:
Sorry your having a really bad day and the thousands of emotions a day like that czn bring. I just wrote in a poem...its a big ass world and your not alone. Easy to write but not always easy to remember. Hope you got your hug x
April 4th, 2017 16:39
My life in a poem.
Hopey_xx said:
I\'m sorry that you had such a bad day. I know how it feels to lose a best friend. Keep battling through it, you\'ll be okay.
April 4th, 2017 14:27
Hopey_xx said:
I\'m sorry that you had such a bad day. I know how it feels to lose a best friend. Keep battling through it, you\'ll be okay.
April 4th, 2017 14:27
My life in a poem.
Christina8 said:
Great poem, I\'m sorry you feel so crappy. I think we\'ve all felt that bad at some point in our lives and you just have to hold on tight and keep on going. I hope you feel better soon! Thanks for sharing.
April 4th, 2017 13:44
Christina8 said:
Great poem, I\'m sorry you feel so crappy. I think we\'ve all felt that bad at some point in our lives and you just have to hold on tight and keep on going. I hope you feel better soon! Thanks for sharing.
April 4th, 2017 13:44