Poetry blog

We keep you updated on the world of poetry with our news roundups.

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Poets and War


A short post at Stick Poet Super Hero led me to this story written by a woman living in the midst of the bombings in Beirut. Headlined Bombs, Rubble and Poets, it is written in prosaic, matter-of-fact language that blunts the impact of the world it presents - which makes it all the more horrifying when you realize ...

Poetry Superhighway


Double-scoop on the great poetry places on the web this week. Rick Lupert has been hosting one of the longest running poetry readings in the LA area since 1994 (That would be the Cobalt Cafe for those of you close enough to drop in on a Tuesday night), and building and maintaining the Poetry Superhighway since 1997. PSH is one of the ...

Weekly Blogger: Operation Poem


The blog I"m featuring this week is different - and this profile and interview will be different as well. On June 28, blogger Michelle EO posted : For every brave soldier that lost life in the war in Iraq, we will write a poem. Thus starts Operation Poem, a log with a heartfelt purpose - to honor servicemen who lose their lives in Iraq. ...

Google The Bard


Think you know everything there is to know about Shakespeare? Find yourself looking for that perfect Bard quote? Ever have a need to settle a barroom argument about who said what in which Shakespeare play? If so, then Google has just made it easier for you. Google"s infamous Books project has completed scanning in the complete works of Shakespeare. You can now ...

Thursday Resource: Interboard Poetry Community


Poking through the places where I find news, poetry and interesting things on which to follow up, it occurred to me that I haven"t shared the Interboard Poetry Community as the resource most likely to drag me in for hours and make me late for everything else in my life. Rus Bowden introduced me to it a while back, when we talked ...

New Frost Exhibit Highlights Poet’s Personal Life


Robert Frost may be one of the most well-loved American poets of any era. A new exhibit at the Robert Frost Stone House Museum in Vermont takes a look at a different side of the poet. Assembled by Frost scholar, Donald Sheehy, the exhibit features 11 key women in Robert Frost"s life. Those women include his mother, his wife Elinor, his sister, his daughters, writer Dorothy Canfield Fisher, ...

Seamus Heaney Nomination Sparks Discussion


The Guardian, a UK newspaper, reported Saturday that Nobel Prize Laureate Seamus Heaney"s 12th book, District and Circle, has made the short list for the prestigious Forward Poetry Prize. Established in 1991, the Forward Poetry Prize is awarded each year to the year"s Best Collection, Best Single Poem and Best First Collection. Its £10,000 prize is one of the ...

Monday Bookshelf: Let the Crazy Child Write


Clive Matson once described himself as a journeyman poet - not an accomplished master of the art of poetry, but one who has learned the basics and is polishing his craft to perfection. His book, Let the Crazy Child Write, is more than just another writing book. It is, all at the same time, an homage to creativity, ...

The Weekly Blogger: Mike Snider’s Sonnetarium


To begin reading Mike Snider"s blog at Sonnetarium is to step into his mind, and into his life. Don"t get me wrong - Sonnetarium is not someone"s personal journal full of "what I did today" type ephemera. Snider is open and candid, and his writing style leads you on and on as if you were sitting in a comfortable chair in a friend"s living ...

Missing Shelley Poem Redefines What Poetry Has Always Been


A radical journalist reports on the horrors of war in the national press, and finds himself imprisoned for his words. A young, impressionable writer is moved by the incident to write a stirring poem that criticizes the nation"s national policies and calls for total reform in the licentiousness, luxury, depravity, prejudice, which involve society The ...