- Original language: English
- Genre: Novel
- Year published: 1818
- Book file uploaded by: StormyDay, on the March 21st, 2011
- Book file read: 1328 times
- Rating: 9/10
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Language: French
Rating: 8
Very evocative and interesting mixed with a great sadness on human nature.
Year of edition: 2018
Year read: 2020
Language: English
Pages: 153
Rating: 10
Frankenstein has permeated our culture to the degree that everyone thinks they know the story, yet so few really do, and until a few month ago, I too "thought," I knew this famous tale. Growing up on movies, I have seen several versions of the story, but I had never read the book, why read a story I already know. Why? Because we all know books are better than their movie counterpart, but this story, in particular, isn't even close to the movie version. I discovered some surprises as I read. For example, "It's Alive!" The most famous line from a Frankenstein movie is nowhere in the book; it doesn't exist! You may also be surprised and shocked at what Victor Frankenstein actually does say and do as soon as his monster comes to life. This book, published in 1818, reflects on what it means to be human. Human and Alive! I encourage you to pick it up and discover this original classic story for yourself. It's a short book but full of layers that will leave you scratching your head with questions & exclamations like, What? Why? That's crazy! And wow, I didn't see that coming! Pick up Shelly's book written when she was just 18 years old, and ruminate on what it means to be alive, human, and unloved. Interestingly, Shelly revised her story and republished it in 1831 after her philosophical views had changed; therefore, the 1818 edition is different from the 1831 version, which is the one most widely read.
Year read: 2022
Language: English
Pages: 216
Price: 10 dollars
Rating: 9
Victor sucks, he’s to big for his britches. So is the monster. I’m so glad I finally read/listened to this book.