Cheon Sang-byeong Poems


Cheon Sang-byeong was a Japanese-born writer who emigrated to South Korea at the age of 15 and became one of that country’s most famous and loved poets. Cheon suffered many dark times during his lifetime; he was tortured as a suspected spy, suffered ill health through alcoholism and was impotent. Amazingly, despite all this, he had a happy disposition and a constantly optimistic ...

Benedikt Livshits Poems


Benedikt Livshits was a Russian Jewish poet and translator of French literature. He was one of the many writers of that time who belonged to an era that became known, much later, as the Silver Age of Russian literature. This was generally believed to be the period covering the last decade of the 19th and the first three decades of the 20th ...

Beaumont and Fletcher Poems


Over the last 300 years or so literary critics and students of Elizabethan dramatists have debated the various merits of these two writers. Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher wrote plays and poetry together during the reign of King James I, probably during the first fifteen years of the 17th century. Some will argue that the one was more influential than ...

William Bliss Carman Poems


This Canadian poet was more often known by the shorter version of Bliss Carman. He actually lived for most of his life in the United States and it was here that he became known worldwide. He was never forgotten in Canada though and they made him their Poet Laureate in his later years. He was a lyrical poet who was numbered amongst ...

Bernard de Ventadorn Poems


There are a number of recorded variations on this French medieval troubadour’s name. He is variously referred to as Bernard de Ventadour, or  Bernart de Ventadorn amongst others. This secular composer wrote lyrical poetry for the art of the troubadour and he is also known as a “Master Singer”. The typical song style of his contemporaries was the cançon and he developed this ...