John Lyly Poems


John Lyly was a 16th century English writer who considered himself a playwright at first but who, later on, switched to poetry. He is best remembered though for two novels: Euphues, The Anatomy of Wit (1578) and His England (1580). He invented a whole new style of writing which became known as “Euphuism”, in honour of his first book. It has ...

John Lydgate Poems


John Lydgate was a medieval English poet who spent much of his early life as a monk at the Benedictine abbey of Bury St Edmunds in the eastern county of Suffolk. Sometimes known as John of Lydgate, because he came from a village of that name, he had ambitions beyond the gates of the abbey and it is generally believed that he ...

John Galsworthy Poems


John Galsworthy was an English novelist, playwright and poet whose work bridged both Victorian and Edwardian eras. He was best known for his saga of the middle classes called The Forsyte Saga, a trilogy of novels and two short interludes, which were popular at the time of writing but which became even more so when they were adapted for British television in ...

Jose Asuncion Silva Poems


Born in Bogota, Columbia, in 1865, Jose Asuncion Silva was a poet who, through his tragic life, is regarded as having helped to found the modernist movement in South America. He was brought up in a wealthy and privileged environment and given a good education that instilled in him an early love of poetry. Silva is reputed to have written ...

John Davidson Poems


Born in 1857 in East Renfrewshire, Scotland, poet and dramatist John Davidson was a popular writer, particularly famous for his ballads and a number of humorous plays such as Scaramouch in Naxos. His father was a minister and the family moved to Greenock when Davidson was five. He later attended the Highlanders’ Academy leaving when 13 to begin a life of ...