Paul Hamilton Hayne Poems


Paul Hamilton Hayne was a nineteenth-century American poet who was, perhaps, even better known for editing work done by other southern states poets such as Henry Timrod and Allen Tate. He supported Timrod both financially and professionally, especially when his friend was seriously ill with tuberculosis. Hayne showed his philanthropic nature by ensuring that Timrod’s work was published. When civil war gripped America ...

Robert Henryson Poems


It is always hard to establish hard facts from speculation when discussing the lives of medieval poets and Robert Henryson is no exception. He was a late 15th century Scottish poet, sometimes described as one of the greatest medieval poets. He is listed among the so-called “Makars” who wrote in the Middle Scots language at the time of the northern renaissance. This ...

Osbert Sitwell Poems


Osbert Sitwell was one of the trio of English literary siblings usually referred to as “The Sitwells”. His sister Edith was also a poet while younger brother Sacheverell plied his trade as an art and music critic. All three escaped the aristocratic and sometimes suffocating environment created by their parents who, it is claimed, did nothing to create a loving family environment. ...

Richard Burton Poems


Born in 1821 in Devon, Richard Francis Burton led a colorful and adventurous life and was a writer, poet, diplomat and explorer. His father was an army officer of Irish decent and his mother was the daughter of landed gentry. The family traveled extensively during Burton’s childhood which meant that he was educated by various tutors. He did not enter into a ...