Sa di Poems


Sa’di was the pen name for the Persian poet Saadi Shirazi who is considered one of the major regional writers from the 13th Century and is notable that number of his works have been popularized in the West. Sa’di was born into a relatively poor family and his time living in Shiraz in Iran was difficult, made more so by the ...

Richard Barnfield Poems


One of the lesser known poets of the 16th century, Richard Barnfield was born in 1574 in Staffordshire and has been mostly of interest to literary academics because of his curious relationship with William Shakespeare. Born into a reasonably affluent family for the time, Barnfield is thought by some to be a prime contender for the identity of the rival ...

Peter Huchel Poems


German poet Peter Huchel was born on the outskirts of Berlin in 1903 and lived through the turbulent times of two world wars and the subsequent splintering of his home city into east and west. He remains one of the most outspoken writers of the communist era and spent almost half his life behind the Iron Curtain fighting against the censorship ...

Rose Terry Cooke Poems


Rose Terry Cooke was a 19th century American writer who turned her hand to poetry, children’s stories and a genre of short story writing that fits neatly amongst the so-called “local colour” literature that became popular in the United States after the Civil War. Her tales were descriptive and light hearted, giving those living in other parts of America a taste of ...

Robert Seymour Bridges Poems


Robert Seymour Bridges holds a unique place in British literary history in that he was the only physician to be appointed to the post of Poet Laureate. His medical career had long finished though when we was appointed in 1913 and he remained in this post until his death in 1930. His fame as a poet came late in his lifetime and ...