Walking the dunes where dry loose sand riddles my shoes
with sharp motes and abandoned shells
I skirt the same soft beach that imprisoned the dolphins.
Collapsed and gasping , carcasses flapping and flipping
into pale suds of an incoming tide
they fought martyrdom's destiny yet slipped into death.
Tragedy hoarded our midsummer shoreline
and no one knew why sand's high shelves drew thickly
oiled bodies to join shell-fish in dehydration
and where beached whale and turtle take the same risk.
Tonight shadowy sinews of leviathan life
stir deep fathoms safely and I celebrate remaining giants
who parade no parched arenas
between liquid freedom and danger's ethered temptation.
As memory's vision invades my wading
I cry for those intelligent skull-shapes now sunk in debris
and feel flailing pall of frantic stress
when waterless sea-life gets helplessly stranded and me
left to puzzle on unanswered questions.
Fay Slimm. (
- Published: August 16th, 2018 03:58
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 26
Very emotive write Fay, such a tragedy that this happens to some sea life.
And continues to happen as evidenced in todays news - super write Fay
A sensitive write Fay.
THANKS FAY ~ for a beautifully and sympathetically worded poem addressed to the plight of the stranded DOLPHINS. Had they been some ugly and deadly scavengers of the deep we might have been less empathetic ~ BUT ~ DOLPHINS the most beautiful & gentle of creatures and with a great empathy with HUMANS. But they have died ~ more sacrifices to the ANTHROPOGENIC RAPE of the environment. Global Warming ~ Climate Change ~ Sea Level Rise all take their toll on Nature ~ WHEN WILL WE EVER LEARN ~ WHEN WILL WE EVER LEARN. Thanks for caring & sharing ~ Yours as always ~ BRIAN. Please check ANGELA's Poem for today NEW ZEALAND IS CALLING ME ~ Thanks B
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