I was sitting on My Cloud
Just pondering into nothingness
When God stopped by
“Can I sit next to you?” he asked
“It’s apparently your Universe,
So just do as you like!” I replied
He pulled up a cloud and sat down.
“My, my” he said, “You sound annoyed”
“You could say that!”
“What has caused this?”
“YOU HAVE!” I shouted.
“What have I done?”
“It’s what you haven’t done!
You don’t help my wife!
All her life she has sung your praises,
Helped others,
Believed in you,
Never done any harm to anybody,
And yet you will not help her!”
“What do you mean by that?” he replied,
“Do you not see her,
Does the Church not see her!
Her mind has gone!
Her body is ceasing to work!
Yet you cannot seem to see it,
Or you are ignoring it!”
“Of course I see it,
I see everything in the Universe” he said.
“Look at me” I replied,
“I do almost everything for her
And my strength is waning,
Others try to help,
But I am with her all the time
And see her losing her mind,
Losing her strength.
You say you see everything,
So you must see how we are suffering.
Why don’t you help us!”
No answer,
Came the stern reply!
Goldfinch60 (Pseudonym) (
- Published: October 16th, 2018 01:43
- Comment from author about the poem: Just a rant to God.
- Category: Religion
- Views: 41
A good write in a way Gold. Sometimes we may be too 'twee'. Or we can have 'pat' or 'text-book' answers to things such as 'Why suffering is allowed?' Experiencing the reality of them may often be different. And it's more than us just having 'off-days' or feeling grumpy towards God, life in general, etc.
Yet you, as the Psalmists in some Psalms, seek to find a way through it, not in a sense that 'God owes us one' nor 'He should reward me for my good deeds to Him'.
Thank you Orchi, my basic belief will never change but I am beginning to question the Christian view of God that He is there for us all.
Thanks Gold. I understand. in a way it's easier for those with no faith. Thy don't believe there's any God, or Higher Being, there in the first , so they have no conflict when, as it's said 'bad things happen to good people'. And how about 'We prayed for x - but he/she died'. Some reply that it was his/her 'final healing' etc.
I did not go to church for a while, though in my case it was mostly a practical thing - bad weather, hard to get there.
Life is sadly unjust and although I don't share your faith I know what it means to you and I hope it never deserts you.
Thank you Michael. Thank you for your understanding.
That's a touching write G honest and painful...
I have questioned too over the yearsand you are right, there are rarely any answers other that from yourself.
I have lately come to think of god as love and it is love that will take care of us sometime from our nearest and sometimes from strangers.
A dear friend once said to me "It's OK not to be OK"
I hope you find the strength to keep your faith.
Thank you for your kind words Andrew, I have answered these questions to others with the standard expected explanations, I used to be a Chaplain so the world of religion is not alien to me but I do keep asking questions of God to which there seems to be silence.
My basic Faith though will never die as i KNOW that My Spirit is always with me.
I see G
I hae no experience other than life but I have lead teams of people and I know it can be a lonely place when people look t you for anwers so you have my respect for that.
I am glad to know you... if only o n this forum
Keep up the poetry it's a joy
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